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Storage Manager Gets ripped off by employee

Offline MovieMan

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Storage Manager Gets ripped off by employee
« on: June 12, 2013, 08:20:26 PM »
The story below was found in a forum that had nothing to do with storage auctions (per se) but a user posted the story in a "dump" type area.  The question he posed was "Do the storage managers take things out before they sell the lockers?

The section below in blue was one of the answers. This was posted in the other forum in mid-march, 2013.

short answer yes

long answer

We hired some girl to work in the office. We later found out she was stealing from us. Pocketing some of the cash payments while depositing the check payments. Took us a while to gather the evidence.

Anyways, after they arrested her (yep, arrested her), we had a locker that was behind on payments so we went through the standard procedures to sell the contents. When we opened the door we saw a whole bunch of the facilities equipment (that we thought had been stolen) in there. Turns out the locker was in the girl's brother's name so basically she had been stealing stuff and stashing it in the locker. So, yeah, we took that back.

other than that, no

as a followup on the story......

After she got let out of jail, she skipped town. About 7 or 8 years later the sheriff's department called me to tell me she came back and turned herself in. She got probation and as part of that probation part of her wages were garnished to pay us back. So, I would get a check every once in a while. These stopped for about a year then I started getting them again. They've since stopped again.

My friend is a Storage Facility Manager and he says

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