Storage Auctions

Units in storage for long periods of time

Units in storage for long periods of time
« on: December 12, 2011, 11:50:57 AM »
I bought a unit that had been rented for 14 years and it looks like they haven't been in the unit since. Everything is atleast 14 years old but most of it is from the 70's and 80's. It was packed 8x20 about 6 feet tall from the frOnt to the back. I have only gone though about 10% and have already made back the $500 I paid for it in jewerly alone.

Has anyone else bought lockers that had been stored for a long time? If so how did they work out? At $100 a month min the people would have paid over $15,000 in rent, that was the only reason I bid.

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Re: Units in storage for long periods of time
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2011, 12:10:06 PM »
I have not won a unit like that yet because the old timers fight hard and drop big money on those type of units. I have seen three like you describe, all won by old timers/regulars and they spent a lot of money and kept coming back to the auctions, so I can only guess those types of units turn out profitable even for the money spent.

Of course old stuff from the 70s and 80s does not always mean valuables, so to all those reading, be careful.

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Re: Units in storage for long periods of time
« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2011, 07:50:04 PM »
I wanna here more about the unit you won!? What kind of stuff did you find?

Offline acman

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Re: Units in storage for long periods of time
« Reply #3 on: December 13, 2011, 09:21:47 PM »
As long as it's not clothes, things I run across on ebay and such of that age go for a good amount at a fast rate.   

Re: Units in storage for long periods of time
« Reply #4 on: January 03, 2012, 10:43:03 PM »
Sadly the best thing about the unit was it gave me something to mess around with for a few weeks. I end up taking about 150 30 gallon trash bags full of moldy junk to the dump. I got some interesting stuff, the first few things that come to mind, a superman record player from the 70's, a fully functional mini-sewing maching, a brand new sew machine, some neat old Radio shack rc cars & about $700 in jewely. Would have been a bust without the jewerly.

I will make money, but boy was the mold & mildew intense. I had to throw away most of the stuff because of it. There was lots of books from 1890-1920 but most of them were destroyed by the elements.

Re: Units in storage for long periods of time
« Reply #5 on: January 04, 2012, 06:56:25 AM »
Ya - that is a problem with old units like that.  Unless it's climate controlled, which wasn't often if any back then.  Or if the facility was just built sturdy, no leaks over the years, things packed well, and your in a good cliamte you get that.

Best old lockers I would think are out west in the dry desert type air.  Same place they take all the planes and other military gear for the boneyard.

These silver bars were in storage.....A LONG TIME !

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