Storage Auctions

Who was the worst auctioneer that you have seen?

Who was the worst auctioneer that you have seen?
« on: September 24, 2011, 11:50:50 PM »
Had won with a toupee.I spent more time watching his cheap toupee than listening to what he said.The hotter it got the more it looked like it was going to leap off his head.

Re: Who was the worst auctioneer that you have seen?
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2011, 05:53:15 PM »
The auctioneer who works my favorite caravan of 6 auctions each month is my least favorite auctioneer. He stretches out the bidding as long as he possibly can to try and eke out the biggest possible fee. Slows things down without yielding him much loot.

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Re: Who was the worst auctioneer that you have seen?
« Reply #2 on: October 10, 2011, 11:13:59 AM »
I could mention two by name, but the auction gods on high might hurl a lightning bolt my way.

Needless to say their attributes center around being control freaks, to wit:

"line up against this wall !  Exit along this wall!" (no "please" and totally "control" attitude).

Explain all rules AGAIN everytime some new person walks up.

Make up auction "rules" as they go along (YOUR cleanout fee will be $1,000...because I don't like you).

"You HAVE to sign-in...IT'S THE LAW !" (had to laugh out loud and drew a "dagger" of a look from auctioneer)

etc, etc.

Those examples represent two of four major auctioneers in my area.

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Re: Who was the worst auctioneer that you have seen?
« Reply #3 on: October 14, 2011, 08:19:17 AM »
The storage auctions in my area are done by the managers of each place we go to.

Re: Who was the worst auctioneer that you have seen?
« Reply #4 on: October 16, 2011, 01:20:53 PM »
I could mention two by name, but the auction gods on high might hurl a lightning bolt my way.

Needless to say their attributes center around being control freaks, to wit:

"line up against this wall !  Exit along this wall!" (no "please" and totally "control" attitude).

Explain all rules AGAIN everytime some new person walks up.

Make up auction "rules" as they go along (YOUR cleanout fee will be $1,000...because I don't like you).

"You HAVE to sign-in...IT'S THE LAW !" (had to laugh out loud and drew a "dagger" of a look from auctioneer)

etc, etc.

Those examples represent two of four major auctioneers in my area.

Is this in the Dallas/ Fort Worth area?  We have an auctioneer who does the same thing, goes through all the rules at each auction.  Requires everyone to sign in at each auction, regardless if you have been on the caravan for the last 6 facilities. Requires EVERYONE to sign in, even if you don't want to bid, even if you are with your significant other/ wife/ husband and working as a team.

I don't mind all their rules, but they should really find a way to speed things up.  In between facilities, me and the wife went to eat.  Spent a good 30 to 45 minutes at a restaurant, only to show up at the facility and wait for another 30 minutes.

We left after that one, I just couldn't take it anymore. It was moving too slow for me.  That day, there were also some of those PODS boxes at another auction.  We really wished we would of went to that one.

Can't complain too much though, we did stand around chit chatting with some of the regulars.  Turns out that these regulars liked this auctioneer the best. Different strokes for different folks.  I just thought this one was too time consuming.

Offline MovieMan

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Re: Who was the worst auctioneer that you have seen?
« Reply #5 on: October 16, 2011, 07:40:47 PM »
Is this in the Dallas/ Fort Worth area? 

Nope; the answer to your question is in my signature line at the bottom of this post.

I'm sure this type of auctioneer is in a lot of places in the U.S.

Re: Who was the worst auctioneer that you have seen?
« Reply #6 on: October 25, 2011, 10:18:47 PM »
We mostly stay away from the ones with professional auctioneers, especially if they add a "buyer premium" as some do.  We go to ones from a nation wide chain that has their district managers do it, and to ones at a local operation that has a few locations and uses management as auctioneer.  Seems better when the auctioneer isn't getting a percentage.

Re: Who was the worst auctioneer that you have seen?
« Reply #7 on: November 11, 2011, 11:26:38 AM »
 Liability's come to mind say john doe claims he fell and messed his hip up on a pothole at your storage facility.
you look at the sign in sheet what there's no john doe listed. Good luck with your law suit John.

 Come to find out john hurt his hip when he fell off the porch last night drunk when he came home from drinking, and never got out of the car at the auction.

I'm sure there's lots more reasons to have everyone sign in.

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