Storage Auctions

Opening up Retail Store

Opening up Retail Store
« on: May 03, 2013, 03:16:55 PM »
Wondering if anyone would be willing to share with me how hard it was to start up a retail store and sell your items there.  I already have 2 businesses, one of them being one of the hardest businesses to start and run (elder home care) and not really sure if I would have the time or energy to open one, but sometimes it feels like it might be a little less stressful than meeting 20 people interested in buying one item on CL. I have alot of business sense, so I am not worried about hard work, just wanted to hear a little about some of your journeys.  You should be proud!!

Offline Alias300

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Re: Opening up Retail Store
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2013, 03:32:24 PM »
Have you read thru the site?

Whole sections dedicated to most your questions.

Re: Opening up Retail Store
« Reply #2 on: May 03, 2013, 03:40:21 PM »
Thank you.  Just joined forum about an hour ago and so excited to find people with the same passion as me.  Have so many questions and comments I have been stuck in general auction forum since I signed up. I will look for that forum.

Re: Opening up Retail Store
« Reply #3 on: May 03, 2013, 03:45:31 PM »
Thank you.  I have no desire to be spoon fed so please dont think that.  I have 2 small businesses I started by myself, one of them being one of the hardest businesses to start and run (elder home care) so I absolutely dont want to be spoon fed.  Plus, I respect those of you who have been in the business and would never think of taking your time.  I am totally capable of learning how to start one.  I wrote a 43 page business plan for my home care business and would never enjoy anything I didnt work hard for myself.  Grew up poor and it is really important to put in the hard work for anything I have.  Basically looking for a quick response as to how difficult and time consuming it was, before I started on the new venture. 

Re: Opening up Retail Store
« Reply #4 on: May 03, 2013, 03:52:15 PM »
I have the passion.  I may be new to the storage auctions (never knew about them til a year ago) but I am not new to clean outs, estate auctions, estate sales and tag sales.  I have been doing cleanouts for the past 3 years and it never gets old.  You have to have passion to spend and entire weekend cleaning out an entire house by yourself.  I am a 5'5" 130 pound female but strong as an ox.  I move things by myself that most probably couldnt move by themselves.  I love it! My friends and family say I am crazy and a horse of a differnt color  ;)  I credit my ADHD to this success, especially having the ability to do a cleanout in a weekend when most would probably need an entire week.  I dont want to come off cocky, just wanted to explain to you why I think I have such passion.  I havent found anyone near me with the same interest that could work with me, but that wont stop me.  Please do remember me. I can promise you there are many many posts that will be pouring in from me.  If it takes that to prove I have passion than so be it.  I love a challenge  ;D

Re: Opening up Retail Store
« Reply #5 on: May 03, 2013, 04:48:32 PM »
I live in Massachusetts, in Western mass to be exact.  I just spent my day creating a calendar of the upcoming auctions and planned out my days.  Did this instead of doing the work I need to do to continue to run my business.  I am reaching junkie status. 

Re: Opening up Retail Store
« Reply #6 on: June 14, 2013, 08:16:46 PM »
I would say think about it long and hard. I did swap meets for about 15 years then opened a store. I made more at the swap meet then I do with a store. When you have a store people always think they can come back and buy the items later. Also you have all the bills too. When you have a store front it becomes a 24/7 job.

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