Storage Auctions

Recent find in newest locker...

Offline mj74

Recent find in newest locker...
« on: October 10, 2012, 04:16:19 AM »
Was going through some boxes of what I thought was just your usual camping gear,and came across this leather bag. Unzipped it,and found the largest fishing reel I have ever seen. After some research I found out that it is for big game fish. It looks like it has never been used,still has  the tag on it instructing to remove the handle when not in use.

It's a FIN-NOR 12/0 Special Trolling Reel,I have found out that they no longer make these reels,so they are considered "legacy" reels,and they usually retail for almost $2,000.00  ;D

If anyone is interested,I currently have it on Ebay...

Offline Cobia

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Re: Recent find in newest locker...
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2012, 08:02:48 AM »
Was going through some boxes of what I thought was just your usual camping gear,and came across this leather bag. Unzipped it,and found the largest fishing reel I have ever seen. After some research I found out that it is for big game fish. It looks like it has never been used,still has  the tag on it instructing to remove the handle when not in use.

It's a FIN-NOR 12/0 Special Trolling Reel,I have found out that they no longer make these reels,so they are considered "legacy" reels,and they usually retail for almost $2,000.00  ;D

If anyone is interested,I currently have it on Ebay...

Great find! looks like you will get at least $500 for it. Let us know what the final bid price is.

Offline MovieMan

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Re: Recent find in newest locker...
« Reply #2 on: October 10, 2012, 08:45:34 AM »

If anyone is interested,I currently have it on Ebay...

That would be a GREAT first sale for you on eBay !  ;D


Just went back to look at it again and went to the bottom where you pointed readers to another account dating from 2003 which has over 250 feedback. Wondering why (if the other account is yours) you decided to open a NEW account with zero feedback for offering this and your other items?

Offline mj74

Re: Recent find in newest locker...
« Reply #3 on: October 10, 2012, 01:52:30 PM »
That would be a GREAT first sale for you on eBay !  ;D


Just went back to look at it again and went to the bottom where you pointed readers to another account dating from 2003 which has over 250 feedback. Wondering why (if the other account is yours) you decided to open a NEW account with zero feedback for offering this and your other items?

This actually out of a unit that my Mom's boyfriend bought. They recently opened a thrift store,and I have been put in charge of selling the higher end items that would'nt sell in a thrift store on Ebay,and I get paid a percentage of the ending cost. They opened another account so that they could have a account for business sells,and have the other one for just personal use.

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