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$650 27' Motor Home

Offline Travis

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$650 27' Motor Home
« on: August 22, 2013, 11:48:25 AM »
Picked this up today for $650.  27' Ford Econoline Lindy with 21,000 original miles. Runs & drives. All it needed was keys and a jump start. Inside needs to be cleaned out, a few cabinets need to be repaired and the carpet needs to be replaced. Other than that, it's a decent motor home. Should be able to get at least $2000 on a quick flip.

Offline dbr831

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Re: $650 27' Motor Home
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2013, 09:30:29 AM »
If the registration anywhere near current? That's what always scares me about vehicles

Offline bwd111

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Re: $650 27' Motor Home
« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2013, 09:43:14 AM »
Picked this up today for $650.  27' Ford Econoline Lindy with 21,000 original miles. Runs & drives. All it needed was keys and a jump start. Inside needs to be cleaned out, a few cabinets need to be repaired and the carpet needs to be replaced. Other than that, it's a decent motor home. Should be able to get at least $2000 on a quick flip.

2000 is close maybe 1500. Most people dont like the 8 mpg and that carbs systems dont run good on todays gas as the gas is different today than 20-30 years ago. I bought old rv 3 years ago 76 and replaced the capet with carpet tile from NPS store cost 18 bucks for new carpet tile I fixed the fridge and furnace as Im also a hvac tech and re-wallpapered the inside 20 bucks. The big negative about old rvs is at the end of the day no matter what you do its still an old rv that get bad gas millage and that steers people from buying. Its funny when people buy old rv's the first thing they become is Restoration experts going to home depot to buy supplies for an rv that is moible and the material you buy at home depot is for stationary homes --Make me sick

Offline Travis

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Re: $650 27' Motor Home
« Reply #3 on: August 23, 2013, 10:24:29 AM »
I got an offer last night. I'm considering it. The guy wants to trade 4 guns. A Savage 22 Hornet, a Sterling semi auto 9MM, a 357 Vaquero Bisley Chrome and a Smith & Wesson .40 M&P.

Offline Alias300

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Re: $650 27' Motor Home
« Reply #4 on: August 23, 2013, 10:37:24 AM »
That's a nice buy!   I disagree with bwb111.  I think $2000 is totally do-able. (By the one picture its hard to say but just going by ur description and what others sell for)
List for $2600-ish and negotiate?

Will agree it may sit a few weeks.   Times are tough.  But RV people are a different breed and hunting season is right around the corner......

Is it musty smelling?    That's a problem around here.   I just picked up a new ozone machine.  It's only $100 and seems to work well. Not like my last one that broke but I don't have $1200 to replace it.   Anyone that's going to flip cars vehicles should have one IMO.   I'll send you a link of where to buy if interested.

@bwb111 -  so where do you suggest buying supplies to fix RV's?   

Offline Alias300

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Re: $650 27' Motor Home
« Reply #5 on: August 23, 2013, 10:53:59 AM »
I got an offer last night. I'm considering it. The guy wants to trade 4 guns. A Savage 22 Hornet, a Sterling semi auto 9MM, a 357 Vaquero Bisley Chrome and a Smith & Wesson .40 M&P.

Sterling is the rifle, correct?

All are good guns.  $1800-$2200 resale value?   I'm just guessing.
For the $650 that's not a bad trade.  But cash is better.   ;D

Maybe you can say okay but not until Monday, any cash offer and the deal is off?    It's worked or me before.

Offline Travis

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Re: $650 27' Motor Home
« Reply #6 on: August 23, 2013, 12:44:12 PM »
That's a nice buy!   I disagree with bwb111.  I think $2000 is totally do-able. (By the one picture its hard to say but just going by ur description and what others sell for)
List for $2600-ish and negotiate?

Will agree it may sit a few weeks.   Times are tough.  But RV people are a different breed and hunting season is right around the corner......

Is it musty smelling?    That's a problem around here.   I just picked up a new ozone machine.  It's only $100 and seems to work well. Not like my last one that broke but I don't have $1200 to replace it.   Anyone that's going to flip cars vehicles should have one IMO.   I'll send you a link of where to buy if interested.

@bwb111 -  so where do you suggest buying supplies to fix RV's?   

Yeah, I have it listed at $2650 obo. The phone isn't ringing off the hook...but I mentioned that I'm in the process of getting title in the ad so I'm sure that turns a lot of people off. I had to rent the parking space today so I'm in no rush. It has one good thing going for it. There isn't a motor home on Craigslist in my area selling for less than 5 grand.

It's a 24 year old motor home, yes it has a slight musty smell...but it's not bad enough to turn a buyer off. A little Febreze should take care of that.

Yeah, Sterling is a British gun. They make it as a pistol and with a stock and long barrel. The one he is offering has the stock and long barrel. $1800-$2200 is a very reasonable estimate of the RETAIL value. Actual cash value, $1600-1700. If I do the deal I'll keep the .40 M&P and possibly the Hornet. The sterling is collectible and should bring around $600 +/-.

Yeah, I'm holding out for cash. I told him I would let him know by Sunday.

Worst case scenario, I could always gut it and use it to move my storage's a lot cheaper than a box truck!

Offline Alias300

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Re: $650 27' Motor Home
« Reply #7 on: August 23, 2013, 01:43:59 PM »

Worst case scenario, I could always gut it and use it to move my storage's a lot cheaper than a box truck!

Funny, when you first posted this I thought about saying the same.   Why sell?   You can keep enough intact to vacation in (little weekend getaway) and gut out back end to haul auction goods...

Offline MovieMan

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Re: $650 27' Motor Home
« Reply #8 on: August 23, 2013, 05:19:44 PM »
Should be able to get at least $2000 on a quick flip.

According to NADA price guide online the last Lindy was made in 1991.

Here's what NADA has to say on the particular model # shown below. There were several model numbers above this but this might be representative and falls in line with your asking price.

I'd take the weapons !  They would be easier to sell...more potential buyers than those for a motorhome.

Offline Travis

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Re: $650 27' Motor Home
« Reply #9 on: August 23, 2013, 06:18:10 PM »
I don't like NADA...I've found KBB to be more accurate. Not only that, I don't really look at the price guides when valuing an automobile. I compare similar vehicles on Craigslist.  In the case of this motorhome, most (in the DFW area) are selling for $3500 and up depending on mileage and condition.

Offline Travis

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Re: $650 27' Motor Home
« Reply #10 on: August 23, 2013, 06:30:41 PM »
Just got a call from the local police. They're interested in using it for surveillance. The sgt. is coming out to look at it on Sunday.

Offline MovieMan

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Re: $650 27' Motor Home
« Reply #11 on: August 23, 2013, 06:50:47 PM »
Just got a call from the local police. They're interested in using it for surveillance. The sgt. is coming out to look at it on Sunday.

Cool!  I once went to a local to-do (hundreds of hell's angels type) on motorcycles for which a 6 block area was roped off. As I walked in I saw a big motorhome like yours and through the front window even I could see large "spotting" scopes and/or cameras with long lenses aimed toward the gathering outside the funeral home. They were seeing if any"wanteds" showed up.

I walked on in and went under the yellow tape and was approached by three bikers (like I was any threat to them) and I had my camera and a tape recorder on me and when they asked me who I was I gave them a fake name (and they fortunately didn't ask for id) and said I was writing up the event and taking pictures for a book I was writing on the history of the town and that THIS was part of the history.  One of them even said..."yeah, I heard about that" (thanks for helping me sell my story.

The reporters with all the big tv stations couldn't come inside, but I had the go ahead and the head guy of the three said "if anyone asks you, just tell them [joe the freak] said you were ok.

Got some good pics of hundreds of motorcycles and their bearded riders. Guy was buried in a cemetary about 15 miles away.

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Re: $650 27' Motor Home
« Reply #12 on: August 23, 2013, 07:54:08 PM »
Given the figures in the spreadsheet below, which is more likely to be the true odometer reading on a 1989 Ford van frame?

Offline Travis

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Re: $650 27' Motor Home
« Reply #13 on: August 23, 2013, 08:01:26 PM »
Given the figures in the spreadsheet below, which is more likely to be the true odometer reading on a 1989 Ford van frame?

Yes, it would seem that way; however, it was sold to the second owner in 2005 with only 2,000 miles on it. Now which one seems more likely?

I guess the guy who registered it in 2005 could have given them a shady odometer reading. However, it's not uncommon to see old RVs with really low miles. Some people buy them with intentions of using them and then they just sit there year after year collecting dust.

Is anyone aware of a way to tell if a 5 digit odometer has rolled over?

Guess ford never thought the engine would make it over 99K.   :D

Offline MovieMan

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Re: $650 27' Motor Home
« Reply #14 on: August 23, 2013, 08:07:42 PM »
Yes, it would seem that way; however, it was sold to the second owner in 2005 with only 2,000 miles on it. Now which one seems more likely?

That could simply mean that in 2005 it had 102,000 miles and since then another 18,000 miles was put on to take it up to the "21,000" miles.

If I remember correctly (and I think I do) those Ford vans had mechanical odometers through the nineties (or later) that only had a capability of showing 99,999 miles. Not a stretch to think it was at 121,000 miles, but it could go either way.

A packet of service records would tell the tale, but I'm sure they're not available.

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