Storage Auctions

small cabinet

small cabinet
« on: June 20, 2011, 09:00:19 PM »
Can anyone tell me if this could have any value at all? It was in a unit with other furniture, and I have no idea as to if it could be a valuable antique, or just another night stand. I'm also considering taking it to an antique appraiser to have them check it out.

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Re: small cabinet
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2011, 12:00:48 AM »
I cant say for sure what the year or even the make is for your piece. But it is a lovely piece, I would say its a Vintage piece, but do not take my word for it, I am no expert in old furniture. Take it to a trustworthy antique shop see if you cant get some idea on the history of your piece.

Re: small cabinet
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2011, 08:43:04 AM »
Everything has some kind of value. How much the value is, is hard to say.
I would find out more about the piece, history, age, maker, etc.
Only then can you have the right value put on  it.

But as a rule of thumb, everything has a value until proven othervise.

Re: small cabinet
« Reply #3 on: June 21, 2011, 10:05:15 AM »
Mr. A. is correct all hings have value. You show a picture of the piece but don't describe it. Depending on the answers to my questions below the value either goes up or down.

1. What's it made of? Hard wood and what kind, Plywood, Partical Board
2. Veneered or finished (stained or natural)
3. Corners, are they dovetailed or rabbitted?
4. Hand cut dovetails or machine cut.
5. Any screws and fasteners? What kind? Phillips screws or straight? Nails or Staples?

Best value would be as follows:
1. Hardwood
2. Finished
3. Dovetails
4. Handcut
5.Screws (straight head)

These are all signs of an older piece that is hand made. Of course any tags or markings help to identify it also.

Just from the picture and looking at the front I'd say it is an older piece (vintage to antique). I say that because the front doors are burl (looks like mahoghany) and the doors are book end matched. That type work was common years ago and is found in higher end pieces.

I'm a bit of a wood worker as a hobby but again, this is just my humble opinon.

Don't clean it very hard as you don't want to remove any patina but do get some RESTORE A FINISH in mahoghany and wipe it down. You will be very pleasantly surprised at how good it will look.

Re: small cabinet
« Reply #4 on: June 21, 2011, 06:09:20 PM »
Thanks guys! I did have a guy look at it today that does estate sales. He told me that I could get from $75-$175 for it. I'm going to take your advice and put a new finish on it and see what I can get.

Offline jrossjr79

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Re: small cabinet
« Reply #5 on: June 21, 2011, 10:16:28 PM »

Best value would be as follows:
1. Hardwood
2. Finished
3. Dovetails
4. Handcut
5.Screws (straight head)

Actually I would recommend a change to number 5 on that. I have found that if there is no metal hardware at all, but just joined with joints and some sort of dowel or peg, it generally brings more, because it shows more of a craftsmen nature to it.

Re: small cabinet
« Reply #6 on: June 22, 2011, 07:19:25 AM »
Absolutely agree with the fact that if it is all dowels or mortise and tenon with pegs it would be older more valuable and higher quality. Unfortunately that piece doesn't look old enough for that. It looks like something from the 30's thru early 50's. The screws being straight push the date back closer to the 30's. Phillips screws are much more modern. I thing a price of 150 would be reasonable without knowing more about the piece.

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Re: small cabinet
« Reply #7 on: June 22, 2011, 09:39:48 AM »
That is what I think I would get for it here in San Antonio, again this is judging by the picture alone, the details would drop or increase what I think I would get. And I think I would get $150, possibly $200.

Re: small cabinet
« Reply #8 on: June 22, 2011, 06:45:47 PM »
Thanks very much for the info guys. I am going to put it in auction this weekend and see what comes of it.

Re: small cabinet
« Reply #9 on: June 23, 2011, 07:48:31 AM »
Be sure to let us know!

Re: small cabinet
« Reply #10 on: June 26, 2011, 10:24:31 AM »
This went for $75 in auction last night. That being said, I probably wont do the auction thing again. A couple of my other items didnt do what I expected.

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Re: small cabinet
« Reply #11 on: June 26, 2011, 11:23:02 AM »
That is the way it goes sometime in auction. It all really depends on who is there, if there is not alot of people there that are interested in lets say Stamps for an example, they will go way below actual value. Other times they can go way over actual value because there is alot of people there that are interested. Best thing to do is go to auction houses regularly, and make note who is there consistently on certain days or dates, and what they are interested in. It is still a gamble, but the odds play better for you that way.

Re: small cabinet
« Reply #12 on: June 26, 2011, 04:59:24 PM »
Auctions are a gamble for sure. Thats another reason I rented shop space at our local antique mall (see my other thread on that). Even though the space costs me 190 per month the buyers that come there are looking for vintage and antique deals. If that piece were here and mine it would have gone into my shop at $179.00 OBO and I can assure you i'd have gotten 139 or more for it. It sold for 75? was that your net or did the auction fees and premiums come off of that?
In my little 'shop' the larger pieces such as that one attact a lot of people in to look many many of whom end up buying up the 'smalls' such as collectibles, dolls, plates, candlesticks, old toys ayda yada.....

Re: small cabinet
« Reply #13 on: June 26, 2011, 09:44:19 PM »
75 was net before auction fees. I definately learned from it, and I have no plans to sell anything else there. I do have a small store close by that is offering me a booth for $100 per month for small items but does the larger items on consignment. We have several storage auctions coming up on thursday of this week. I'm ready to get back out there and learn some more.

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