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Craigslist Auto-Posting

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Craigslist Auto-Posting
« on: November 05, 2012, 08:57:24 AM »
I'm sure you all have seen the annoying duplicate ads that seem to dominate the furniture, car & trucks & electronics sections of Craigslist. Most likely, these posts were the result of a Craigslist auto-poster program because, lets face it, no one has the time to post Craigslist ads every 15 minutes throughout the day.

Anyone who uses Craigslist on a regular basis knows that if your ad is at the top of the page, it is more likely to be seen. Retailers know this as well and they are spending big money to have custom programs written to beat Craiglist's spam detection system. I know there are some cheap programs that you can buy on the internet but I've heard they don't work very well or they lead to your Craigslist account being cancelled. Even though it is against Craigslist's rules to use programs like this, it seems to have some positive advantages for people selling merchandise and services. 

Does anyone here have any experience with or opinions of Craigslist auto-poster programs?

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Re: Craigslist Auto-Posting
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2012, 09:32:51 AM »
Don't like other people using auto-poster programs, but I'm in a small enough market where I can repost items before they get buried.

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Re: Craigslist Auto-Posting
« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2013, 10:36:46 AM »
if anyone knows of a program thats cheap and you've tried please let me know. i looked into these progrms and anything i found to be decent and trustworthy i found was $700 plus. the downside being besides price craigslist is constantly keeping up with this nad if they do a fix and your program is null and void a week after you bought it your out all that money. its probably not worth the time or energy doing it for storage auctins because our items are so varied it would be beter for a seller or store who had a consistant stock of stuff they are always selling

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Re: Craigslist Auto-Posting
« Reply #3 on: February 04, 2013, 11:38:02 AM »
Even though it is against Craigslist's rules to use programs like this

Considering that CL let us post for free and we make money, I would think the least we can do is to show them the respect of obeying their rules. IMO anyone that uses a program to auto-post and circumvent CL's posting rules is just being a selfish a**hole. Everyone else that abides by the rules waits the 3-day time limit and then clicks on the 'renew' link next to the ad listed on their account page. Using a program to get one's ad up to the top before it's supposed to be is the equivalent of cutting in line anywhere else.

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