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Craigslist just got easier!!

Craigslist just got easier!!
« on: April 22, 2011, 10:00:33 AM »
I use craigslist daily, and gotta thank them for finally doing this.

They now keep your pictures stored so you don't have to re post them every time you relist an ad.  This has just cut my time in half on reposting.


Offline MovieMan

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Re: Craigslist just got easier!!
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2011, 10:08:27 AM »
If you learn about html you can post full-sized pictures in your Craigslist listings and since those pics always exist on a server somewhere, they are always available.

The bigger pictures make an impact on the CL listings as people see them as more professional, and they definitely give a better view of your item. This is of course JUST MY OPINION....other people may have other opinions.

CL has been quite slow for me the last couple of months, but it has to be because of the items themselves or what I am asking for them. For the calls I have had, there have been no follow up calls to make an appointment to see the item.
One gal made an appt and THEN called  a day later to say she couldn't make it....that was nice of her !

Re: Craigslist just got easier!!
« Reply #2 on: April 23, 2011, 01:13:06 AM »

Nothing personal dude, but I really was just making a statement about how great Craiglist was doing to finally let us list pictures on their server for free.  I understand where u are coming from but the ads I have seen with full page pics load too slow, and I think 4 small pics is more than enuff to sell my item.  Nothing personal man, but u seem to be the expert on every subject in this forum, and from my experience. most people that think they are that smart, well u know. I am here to learn and contribute to subjects i know about.  Well I am glad we have a spam police on here, but i am trying to help out.

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Re: Craigslist just got easier!!
« Reply #3 on: April 23, 2011, 06:24:02 AM »
Sorry, thought you might like to use bigger pictures. I use html on eBay for larger pics within text and avoid paying any extra fees for larger pics. Extended that idea to CL.

I don't know how many people still use dial-up, but I understand large pics certainly would load slower for those who do. Not implying that you do.

As to the spam, yes, I try to keep on top of that here....seems to get bad from time to time and some of the new members are just timebombs waiting to spam us.

Re: Craigslist just got easier!!
« Reply #4 on: June 25, 2011, 12:54:18 PM »
They did it again, making it easier.

They just added a RENEW button on the ads, so after 48 hours, you click one button and back to the top of the list.

Also seeing they are now listing pics next to the ads you are searching.

Between them and ebay, made a pretty good living lately, Tks Craig

Offline jrossjr79

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Re: Craigslist just got easier!!
« Reply #5 on: June 26, 2011, 11:20:03 AM »
They did it again, making it easier.

They just added a RENEW button on the ads, so after 48 hours, you click one button and back to the top of the list.

Also seeing they are now listing pics next to the ads you are searching.

Between them and ebay, made a pretty good living lately, Tks Craig

Ya I saw this too the other day, makes things easier where I dont have to enter a captcha, or have to wait in between post because I am posting to quickly, and that Craig cant write that fast.

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