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Selling Smalls On Craigslist

Selling Smalls On Craigslist
« on: September 02, 2013, 12:29:44 PM »
Craigslist is a great place to sell your large pieces, like furniture, cars, large decor, etc. Or for niche stuff like baby stuff, toys, etc. But what about selling smalls like collectibles, small kitchen accessories, glassware, etc.? I haven't had much luck selling that kind of stuff.. Stuff that goes for under $10-$15..

One thing I'm thinking of doing is combining items... Like all small kitchenware in one ad for 1 price. What do you do to sell your smalls on craigslist?

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Re: Selling Smalls On Craigslist
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2013, 12:48:35 PM »

One thing I'm thinking of doing is combining items... Like all small kitchenware in one ad for 1 price. What do you do to sell your smalls on craigslist?

Your combination idea might work, but I generally have already sold bulk lots of that kind of stuff to flea market sellers at a steep discount just to get them gone. This was especially true when I was buying a locker a week (2 years ago).

I made a little and didn't have to handle them that often. The buyer made some money and did most of the handling.

SO, I don't sell much on Clist along those lines. I take BETTER small items to the flea market, and if they don't sell there then it's back to the bulk buyers or to Goodwill (with regret but relief).

Re: Selling Smalls On Craigslist
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2013, 01:20:31 PM »
Yeah, I'm just looking around my shop and the stuff on the floor is getting stale.. Items like glassware, dish sets, Pyrex.. I'm priced competitively, just don't get enough traffic through to move it. We've already decided to go to the flea market 1-2 times a month and bring this kind of stuff.. We should unload a bunch and generate some more word of mouth about the shop. But, for October, the flea market shuts down for the state fair (the flea market's on the state fairgrounds)

Re: Selling Smalls On Craigslist
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2013, 03:31:50 PM »
This is just my personal opinion, and how I attack craigslist. Anything that you wouldnt sell for at least $20 dollars is not worth putting on craigslist. I dont think its so much the item (in reference to "smalls or bigs") as it is the value. People use craigslist to feel like there getting a good deal. Why would you drive anywhere else but Dollar General to buy a $10 blender as opposed to a $5 one.

Re: Selling Smalls On Craigslist
« Reply #4 on: September 02, 2013, 04:28:44 PM »
This is just my personal opinion, and how I attack craigslist. Anything that you wouldnt sell for at least $20 dollars is not worth putting on craigslist. I dont think its so much the item (in reference to "smalls or bigs") as it is the value. People use craigslist to feel like there getting a good deal. Why would you drive anywhere else but Dollar General to buy a $10 blender as opposed to a $5 one.

I can understand that.. and you make a great point! The cheap household items would be a tough push on craigslist.. But what about collectibles? Like old bottles, sports collectibles, etc? Have any luck with those? I have a bunch of that stuff and even if it's not collectible, one of a kind items like hand painted Angry Birds canvases.. Nothing seems to be biting on that level either..

Re: Selling Smalls On Craigslist
« Reply #5 on: September 02, 2013, 08:06:00 PM »
Some success selling things like Nascar cardboard cut outs, records, and yes even old bottles. But I also had all of that stuff in bulk. It wasnt just one or five cardboard cut outs, and more like 100 different types of old bottles. The calls were few and I made sure to jump on the ones I did get.

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