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You know what I hate most about Craigslist?

Offline Alias300

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Re: You know what I hate most about Craigslist?
« Reply #15 on: July 27, 2013, 02:24:21 PM »
You guys must not put much value on your time because almost everyone on cl shows up later than they say. I coudl pack up 50 ebay orders in the time I sit for 30 minutes waiting for a buyer to show up or maybe never shows up at all. Also gas money to go meet people places since it seems many people don't like people comming to their home. Also now days on ebay most professional sellers offer free shipping as you get higher ranking that way, they just build shipping into the price. Packing materials dont cost that much and lots of stuff you can use recycled items for packaging materials.

I have plenty of time on my hands right now so, no, I don't mind meeting people.
That said, as posted elsewhere, I live in a unique area compared to others I see post here. Makes CL a perfect tool.  Highly populated, diverse groups....
 I never have to drive very far.  Maybe 10-15min away.  If I go farther I make other plans in he area.
Meet family or friends.  Go picking/thrifting.

And with smalls, ebay/paypal fees can eat profit.  I've had 23% taken before.  I'm mainly picking and a lot of items only have $5-$10 markup.  I can't afford free shipping or fees.

Plus where I meet people is where he post office is so gas is the same if I meet a CL buyer or ship.
My postman is not reliable to pick up.  Last week he skipped my pick up three days running.

I hate fees!

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