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Trying to Donate things to Universities take a while.

Offline luke

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Trying to Donate things to Universities take a while.
« on: August 27, 2014, 12:01:14 PM »
I am excited to report that I have apparently been successful at “getting through” to some of the key decision makers from both our Museum of Art, our Museum of Peoples & Cultures, and our Philanthropic-giving/receiving branch.  On Monday afternoon, I will be meeting with all of the above (in two separate meetings) with the desired outcome being “next-steps” identified.  I can tell you that the interest level is extremely high.  If we need to get you into our meeting via phone, will you be available at 4 pm your time?
The person we are needing to meet with re: the textiles…Paul, has a tentative schedule, since his wife is due to deliver a baby any minute now, but we’re still trying to coordinate everyone’s schedules.  The 2 pm meeting (4 – your time) is with our Museum of Art folks.
I’ll talk to you Monday mid-morning, either way, re: hope things are looking.  Hope that helps.  I am very sorry things have moved so slowly.  Take care.

I'm still working it - I really hope these donations go through and I won't ever have to pay taxes again :)

Offline Travis

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Re: Trying to Donate things to Universities take a while.
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2014, 12:55:49 PM »
I won't ever have to pay taxes again :)

That has a nice ring to it!

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