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PROTECT YOURSELF!!!! Don't accept PayPal on local pickup items!!!!

Offline acman

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Re: PROTECT YOURSELF!!!! Don't accept PayPal on local pickup items!!!!
« Reply #15 on: November 04, 2011, 01:38:09 PM »
Dollars to doughnuts.. he'll loose the 500..

If they paypal and do local pick up, mail them something, anything, a copy of the auction, with tracking.

You have just preformed a CYA on the "I didn't get it" claim. paypal does not care what you sent them. you sent them something.

I've been thinking the same way. Just basically get something trackable and send it out.  Been toting with the idea that says in the auction, I will send out a letter with furthur instructions on how to pickup an item.

Offline Bandit

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Re: PROTECT YOURSELF!!!! Don't accept PayPal on local pickup items!!!!
« Reply #16 on: November 04, 2011, 10:23:52 PM »
  Thanks for checking back with your buddy , I kind of thought that would be the outcome as You can read stories like that every day on the Fee Bay and Not Your Pal Forums .
  ( That is if You see it before a Live World Moderator sees it )   ;D
                                      AT FEE BAY THE SCAMMERS RULE
  Over $ 250 has to have an ON LINE VIEWABLE Signed Receipt from the PO  , do You think the scammer that got Your buddy would of fallen for that ?                                                                                                                      He Knew what He was Doing Every Step of The Way

Re: PROTECT YOURSELF!!!! Don't accept PayPal on local pickup items!!!!
« Reply #17 on: December 25, 2011, 06:21:05 AM »
I've been thinking the same way. Just basically get something trackable and send it out.  Been toting with the idea that says in the auction, I will send out a letter with furthur instructions on how to pickup an item.

Then they nail you with an "Item significantly not as described" claim, send your letter back, & PayPal gives them back the money.

Are auction by you starting to accept credit/debit cards?

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