Storage Auctions

How to implement an auction service to improve flea market sales!

Being a former storage unit buyer and flea market seller the one thing I found frustrating was that I could only sell on certain days of the week. I'd propose a new strategy and am looking for up to 15 people, anywhere in the US to try our strategy free for 4 weeks!

Using our services at, you will be able to list all of the items that didn't sell on Saturday and Sunday in your own auction on our webpage, you direct your customers, friends, family etc to your auction to build a local buyer base. The auction will run Mon-Fri. Winning bidders will pick up the items from your booth at the flea market the Saturday and Sunday following the close of the auction. You set all of the terms for the auction including reserve, starting bid, shipping, pickup/preview etc... The biggest benefit is you can sell your merchandise online during the week without the high fees and commissions of ebay and auction houses. Message me or check out for more info.

Offline Travis

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Re: How to implement an auction service to improve flea market sales!
« Reply #1 on: November 16, 2012, 01:53:50 PM »
 :o Is this the way computer geeks insult each other? Just kidding.

I need a good programmer. In a few months, how would you like to work on a site that rivals

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