Storage Auctions

Sales for 03/03

Offline money4nothing

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Sales for 03/03
« on: March 03, 2012, 04:43:33 PM »
What a terrible weekend. Made a little but can see out of the back window of the van.  ;D

But overall bad two days. going to be raining tomorrow  ::)

Going to try another market on Monday. Fingers crossed.

Re: Sales for 03/03
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2012, 05:50:10 PM »
Sorry to hear it money~
We actually made it out this morning without the kids.  We got two spots (buying 3 units kinda forced us) and sold over $400.  Actually our best outing to date.  Sold another $60 on craigslist this afternoon, so we're approaching our goal of paying off our splurge.

I told Don I'd really like to make back another $500 before Tues as our auctions hit full stride ALL next week starting Tues.  Fingers crossed, but not planning on it.  Thank goodness we've yet to touch our tax return......insert diabolical laugh here...........


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Re: Sales for 03/03
« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2012, 07:02:46 PM »
You go Rockin. Glad you are turning and burning.

We did have a response on a Cl listing. Will see.

All the vendors had a rough day today. Not sure why. Think we will just have a yard sale in our yard next weekend. We usually make a killing.

Wished we could have gone to our spot in front of the thrift, but still no go there.  :(

Glad you have not had to hit the mad money from the tax man.  ;D

Hope something turns our direction for the few auctions we have also start on Wednesday.

The Place we are going on Monday all the vendors who go say it is really good.  Fingers crossed.

Re: Sales for 03/03
« Reply #3 on: March 03, 2012, 08:00:29 PM »
Went to a market today for the first time since it was going to rain and it was indoors.  It had opened in October 2011 and had a few regular vendors.  Well I set up about 7:30 and had only one group of people stop by.  No sales total bust of a day at the market.  Thank goodness the owner said no charge for the day. Sold a picture at my Southern Pickers booth and started moving in to my second booth.  Talked to a guy about the gaming systems and accessories that might be a $100+ sale.  Oh well there is always another day.

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Re: Sales for 03/03
« Reply #4 on: March 04, 2012, 05:25:53 PM »
Liandra Sorry to here you had it as bad as us. Glad you were not charged for your space.  ;)
must have been the treat of bad weather ??? Who knows.

The market we were in had plenty of vendors, people setting up on ground tabled units sold out. but not enough shoppers. Found a CL rant of someone saying the place stunk.

Glad your booth is being so profitable. Called one and they are still at $2 a sq' + 10% Smallest space is a 10X10 not ready to bight off that much of a bill yet.  :o

We are going to try and hit one everyone talks about tomorrow. Another day.  ;D

Re: Sales for 03/03
« Reply #5 on: March 05, 2012, 08:38:19 AM »
Sounds like it is still hit or miss out there.  I was upset last month as I knew I would miss the first Saturday of this month due to my girls ice skate competetion.  Turned out it was windy, rain / t-storms all Saturday so didn't miss much.  Sunday was very windy and mid 50s so I skipped going and worked on the sheds.

Sold 1 hd on ebay for $50 ($33 profit after mail/fees)

Doing a trade with buddy for my glass table/4 chairs for a mini-bike I lost to him on last month.  He can make money w/ the table - I should be able to with the mini-bike so is good deal for both of us.

Got a few hits on CL last night also for some luggage I had.  $15 for cheap set of walmart luggage if it sells tuesday.  Not making a ton of money but so far I'm in the black still.  Most of my money has been coming from individual items I've found or scavanaged.  Sitting on a large amount of inventory so have to hit the flea this weekend if the weather will be nice.  So far early forcast is wind and t-storms again this weekend.

Time to hit the scrap yard I think and make $70 - $100 for the trash.  It's amazing what some people toss out.

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Re: Sales for 03/03
« Reply #6 on: March 05, 2012, 07:11:38 PM »
Well we went to a new market today. Nice $15 a table. Sold a lot of stuff. But after cost of driving there, made a little. Glad we went. Just need to take something high dollar to cover the cost of driving there.

We freshened up the inventory yesterday, Only took the van. No man stuff  ::) we would have done better.

Planning on a yard sale in our yard (save the money of selling elsewhere) this weekend. Never tried it because 2 miles down a lime rock road. we will see.

And Craig think we are even at $0. LOL

Still eating the purchases setting at the thrift. Bed should sell on Wednesday. That will help a lot.

Husband doing scrap tomorrow.

Forgot sold all our corelle ware dishes for .50 each to another vendor selling them.  ;D

Re: Sales for 03/03
« Reply #7 on: March 06, 2012, 07:26:29 AM »
Put plenty of signs / ballons out for your yard sale and you may be surprised.  My wife's uncle lived at the end of a dirt road a mile from the backroad to get there.  He put up signs by the main hwy, at the end of the dirt road, etc.  He would do pretty well many days.

At least you have the comforts of home and if it's a nice day you can do other stuff outside if you don't get many customers.  Good luck.

I have 2 more things with bids on ebay and meeting on the luggage today.  If he don't buy it already have another lady interested.  Is sometimes funny how CL works.

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Re: Sales for 03/03
« Reply #8 on: March 06, 2012, 08:14:21 PM »
Thanks Craig.  Hope we are surprised.

Put a pack and play on CL this morning sold in two hours. That was part of our freebies.  ;D

Husband laughed said we made more today and did nothing than we did yesterday all day (minus gas  ::) )

Re: Sales for 03/03
« Reply #9 on: March 06, 2012, 09:20:30 PM »
Lol Money - you have those days.  The guy I was to meet up with today called around lunch and canceled.  I'm just glad that he called and I didn't waste time sitting around for him.  Contacted the other lady and had another email (prob spam fisher).  So may unload it this week after all.  If not I've decided to Goodwill the set.

Hope you get some nice weather.  Just checked my local forcast and it's going to drive me nuts.  Thursday and Friday is mid 70s.  Saturday is upper 50s with 10+ mph wind -- which means most people stay home.  Up side is I'll be able to hit a small saturday auction in a small town 30 mins from me.

Offline money4nothing

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Re: Sales for 03/03
« Reply #10 on: March 07, 2012, 10:35:03 AM »
Don't goodwill the luggage. We took a set not that nice we broke one of the zippier pulls trying to put a pull on it. It still worked with one. Took to the flea just to see if we could get rid of it. Sold it for $5  :o

With you on the weather we had strong winds yesterday, did not get much done for the yard sale.

Like Movieman said it just nags at you.

We have learned on the flea (not a tested theory) watching the other vendors who have been doing better than us. They sell man stuff, tools, one large item that pays for the expense of selling. We sold $55 of trinkets under $5 mostly .50, .25 stuff on Monday.  Come to think of it would not have sold that stuff at a yard sale, nobody would buy it. LOL

Fellow storage buyer was at the $3 space Flea on Sat. He had chainsaw he picked up for $5 sold it for $50, Then what was left was a not cluttered table of unusual stuff. Plus this guy has one of those contagious laughs and is always happy. He did good. another older gentlemen had tools, pots and pans made $150 for the day, had two nice tools (husband said they were nice and a good price) that was about $75 of his total sales.

Feel dumb saying all that but really like the market we went to on Monday. Vendors the customers it was great, but looking at the cost of going there half of what fedgsanford pays in NY.  :o  So need a chainsaw to pay for that then the rest profit.

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