I worry that you may be getting a little ahead of yourself. First, the answers to a lot of your questions are going to be depdendent on your circumstances.
But before we get into working a flea, I have to ask, do you have, or how will you get, your inventory?
To me it sounds like you need to build your bankroll. My suggestion is to start with some low-dollar picking at thrift stores and garage sales. Make a few dollars here and there, reinvest in new merchandise and keep building. Heck, look for stuff on the free section of craigslist that you might turn into $5 and just keep plugging away.
While you build your bankroll, you can start acquiring the tools you need. You may come across your tables for cheap on CL or such. One thing I just thought, if you see a retailer closing, they will often sell the fixtures. Most stores will have a folding table or two in their breakroom. Never hurts to ask.
I feel that if you start in such a manner, you will know when you're ready to expand into flea sales.