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What is the dollar amount of an average sale you make at a flea market?

Offline MovieMan

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I'll have to admit I haven't tracked this aspect of the biz.  Fairly simple matter really. Just tick off each sale as you make it and then divide the total days sale take by that number. If you sell 20 items and you brought in $200 it would be $10 per sale.

Just a matter of doing it, but I haven't done it in the over 9 years I've been selling over 90% of the saturdays available in those years.

You ?

Offline Cobia

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Re: What is the dollar amount of an average sale you make at a flea market?
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2013, 08:42:21 AM »
Ive never itemized the per unit sales cause there is NO WAY I am going to count all the items in the bins I take to the flea market!

With that being said, if I could guess I would say $2

70% of sales are probably $1
15% of sales are probably $2 - $10
10% of sales over $10
5% of sales .50 cents

Re: What is the dollar amount of an average sale you make at a flea market?
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2013, 08:07:56 AM »
Since 80% of my flea market stuff is under $5, I would have to say mostly $1 to $2 per item.  It just all depends on what sells that day.  A typical day is 80-$120 profit after food, rent, and stuff.  Some days most of that comes from the toy cars and world money I have.  Those sell at $.50 each or $2 for paper money.

My typical setup is this:

$.25 bin - mostly odds and ends people love to search in.  Draws people in.

$.50 bin - same as above but bigger stuff

$.50 matchbox/hot wheels/toy car bin - sold out 3 times, lucky found a large supply at a yardsale last summer

$.25 - $.50 - world coins -- these cost me only pennies as I buy in bulk for my collection and these are surplus

$2 - world bank notes -- these cost me $.25 each or less.  Lots of interest and many purchases some days.

$2 DVD / CD / Video Games - most of this stuff comes from units or yard sales.  If is yard sale I pay no more then $.50 per video as I buy in bulk.  Use to be a hot seller but has slowed down in last 3 months.

Glass case - has my high end coins, notes, basebal cards, etc.  Will sell something once a month or two.  Mostly a display item to bring people in.  They see the silver and stuff and then end up buying some world coins or other items.

Other tables have everything else I've hauled in that day.  Can be shoes ($5), purses ($5), tools, glasses, plates, who knows what.

I know my profit from the flea is less then most people.  That is mostly due to my lower price items vs others at the flea.  Plus, I only go when I feel like it - not every weekend.  Is difference between hobby and job.

Re: What is the dollar amount of an average sale you make at a flea market?
« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2013, 04:34:41 PM »
never took the time to figure it out but im thinking between 5-10 dollars

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