Storage Auctions

Is everything for sale?

Offline MovieMan

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Is everything for sale?
« on: June 12, 2013, 07:56:51 PM »
Some buyers feel that "everything is for sale"... Have you ever bought something at a garage sale that wasn't "for sale"?

Sometimes when you walk up to a garage sale the boundaries are firmly placed at the entrance to the garage and the sale items are outside on the driveway. Other times you can see people wandering around inside a garage that isn't set up (with tables) but stuff is obviously for sale.

Do you ask about items hanging on the walls or up in the rafters?  If so, what is the typical response if there is one?

Re: Is everything for sale?
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2013, 06:38:23 PM »
I almost always glance around the garage or yard before I leave the yard sale (sometimes I don't think about it) you never know what they may have laying around that they didn't even consider for the sale.  This past Saturday I was at a sale and saw a pet taxi sitting in the corner of the carport (my dad's booth at his flea market is right next to the animal section, so he can't keep these things so I am always on the lookout for them) I asked the guy if it was for sale, he said no but he had a big one in the shed if I was interested.  We walked out back and it was the next to largest size they make.... he asked if I would give $20  so I just paid him .... carried it home, gave it a little bath ...... next morning at the flea it sold to the first person that asked about it for $40

about 2 years ago I was at an estate sale (got there before it started) when they guy running the sale showed up I asked him about the stuff in the barn...... he said "Nah, there are a couple items we are keeping and we are gonna let the rest of the junk go with the house when it sells" .... I told him to point out the things he wanted and I would try to buy the rest......after he showed me a couple things he said how about $60 for the rest ...... I about broke my arm giving him the money...... sold $480 before daylight the next morning at the flea.

At estate sales I ask if they thought to check the attic or under the house.... sometimes they miss those areas...... I have bought truckloads of stuff from attics because they didn't think to bring that stuff down and the other buyers didn't ask.  (always try to wait until no other buyers are around)

Sometimes if it isn't in the sale it isn't for sale though.  you definitely won't get it if you don't ask .....kinda like winning the lottery without a ticket.... ain't gonna happen
You have to check for things that people don't think about.  I mean if everything was just handed to us everyone would be doing it.

Re: Is everything for sale?
« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2013, 07:30:10 PM »
I went to a yard sale shortly before my store opened. They didn't have anything interesting to me but when I went into the garage to look at the boxes laid out on the floor, I noticed a shelving system typically used in a closet. It was holding some outside toys, sporting goods type stuff. I bought them for $10 ea. They now hold my jeans.. the ones that are for sale, that is..

Offline bwd111

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Re: Is everything for sale?
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2013, 10:20:16 AM »
Sell it all, sell it ALL

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