Storage Auctions

4 degrees of seperation

4 degrees of seperation
« on: July 02, 2013, 02:21:55 PM »
I live in a metropolitan area, so I tend not to know the people whose lockers i am buying.  But that being this day of everyone having a online presence its not hard to find them. 

I bring up her Facebook, no mutual friends.  OK.  I bring up her friends list...2 people have a mutual friend with me.  So she is a friends, friends friend.  4 degrees of separation.  And the thing I realize is....I need to be a LOT more circumspect about buying lockers on my facebook page.  It wouldn't be that hard for these people to find out about me through that as a result of others talking about it.....  And lets be honest here....some of these people losing their lockers are great kind people.....others......well I've read their jail correspondence, and their letters from before they went to jail.  In some cases I've read their psychological reports they sent to the judge!  Not people I want finding me.

Re: 4 degrees of seperation
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2013, 02:31:21 PM »
I have bought 2 lockers from people I know and some other close connections.

One a big locker (10X 20) full of household stuff from a guy who had coached my sons baseball teams. He had a drug problem and lost everything. Found old pictures of the teams he had coached with my sons in them. Pictures of his daughter who my oldest son went to school with. The household stuff was dirty and worn little value I paid $400 cause it was a huge locker and I lost about that much on it. It was heartbreaking to me as it was obvious he was living in the locker for a while and I hear he is homeless and his son is having drug problems just like his dad.  The guy was a dead ringer for Randy Johnson about 6'10" and lean.

The other was a small locker full of misc that had been owned by a guy who ran a gun shop briefly. He got in trouble for not paying his bills and not paying off consignments.  I had frequented the shop when he was running it and know the gunsmith who he sublet from, he was over $10K in arrears on rent when he skipped and had borrowed money from the gunsmith to begin with.    He has people looking for him so he skipped to Alaska. It is not wise to steal from people who are well armed. It was a great locker lots  of ammo, holsters uniforms and badges and I only paid $30 for it.

In another locker I found a picture of one of my wife's cousins. No idea the connection but there he was.

Another locker I found an engineering notebook from 1959. In it was the name and phone number of someone I go to church with who had worked with the guy in 1959. 

Re: 4 degrees of seperation
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2013, 08:15:01 PM »
Perhaps I'm a mean spirited voyeur, but I actually look at the legals to see if a name I know pops up... Never actually got one though.  I don't buy all that many units.  One a month or a little less.

There are two auctions coming up and it's 0 degrees outside

Started by Agooch1207

6 Replies
Last post January 07, 2014, 04:06:14 PM
by bwd111
94 degrees and a lot of ****ty lockers and i won one of them

Started by Mr Andersen

0 Replies
Last post April 19, 2011, 06:03:35 PM
by Mr Andersen