Storage Auctions

Any states that cut the ORIGINAL lock in front of you?

Any states that cut the ORIGINAL lock in front of you?
« on: December 16, 2011, 03:35:40 PM »
Are there any states with laws that say the owners lock has to be cut at auction?

Re: Any states that cut the ORIGINAL lock in front of you?
« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2011, 09:20:17 PM »
The do in FL.

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Re: Any states that cut the ORIGINAL lock in front of you?
« Reply #2 on: December 16, 2011, 11:20:43 PM »
Are there any states with laws that say the owners lock has to be cut at auction?

And how, PREY TELL, would you know it was the original lock ?  They could have cut off the real original and put on one of their own after they did whatever they wanted inside.

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Re: Any states that cut the ORIGINAL lock in front of you?
« Reply #3 on: December 17, 2011, 02:41:43 AM »
Are there any states with laws that say the owners lock has to be cut at auction?

From Fl. and have only seen two facility cut the locks in front of you. Went to one and he had pictures of the units in his office. That one was new to me. Think more to cover his butt. This is what was there and I auctioned it. One of our auction company's also takes a picture of the unit.

Not a law on cutting locks. Just laws on when they can take the property. This is a cash business so some sticky stuff will occur.

Re: Any states that cut the ORIGINAL lock in front of you?
« Reply #4 on: December 17, 2011, 06:15:33 AM »
Well I can be 100% sure it was the orginal lock, but on some they had to get a grinder, find an extention cord, nearest electrial outlet, took quite a while so I believe it was the original lock 8)  The others they just used a large pair of bolt cutters, but there were different size and brands of locks.  This was in Jacksonville FL.

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Re: Any states that cut the ORIGINAL lock in front of you?
« Reply #5 on: December 17, 2011, 10:06:08 AM »

And how, PREY TELL, would you know it was the original lock ?  They could have cut off the real original and put on one of their own after they did whatever they wanted inside.

What if the owner came in and payed his bill and his lock did not work anymore ?

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Re: Any states that cut the ORIGINAL lock in front of you?
« Reply #6 on: December 17, 2011, 10:12:47 AM »
In Pa. it depends on the storage company. I have seen where they cut the locks and take photos before anyone can look. Some that have storage company locks and tags on. I was at on auction and the locker owner came in and paid their  bill 5 mins. before the auction. Now if their lock was cut off or something is missing from their lockers someone would have some explaining to do. If someone does not trust storage auctions they should not go to them. Pretty simple really.

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Re: Any states that cut the ORIGINAL lock in front of you?
« Reply #7 on: December 17, 2011, 05:48:03 PM »
What if the owner came in and payed his bill and his lock did not work anymore ?

1) If they are behind in their rent they get called by the prop mgr.
2) This might happen a couple of times.
3) If they have not paid for a couple of months they are going to get a registered letter telling them their locker is in   lein.

4) During this time period the lock is usually cut, a picture is taken from outside, a prop mgr lock and seal are put on.
    Sometimes they hold off cutting the lock till the day of the varies.

5) During the time the lkr has the prop mgr lock on it a number of things can wit:

 a) The lkr comes up for sale and is sold if not paid up by auction time.
 b) The lkr should be sold (but isn't) and prop mgr now has a bunch of stuff in a lkr and he can do with it
      what he wants as he has run the legal notice, sent registered mail, etc.
      An unscrupulous prop mgr would take good stuff out for himself and then the NEXT TIME a sale came up
      he would sell this lkr with what is left (poor to middlin' crap.

There are lots of ways the system can be "rigged". Prop mgrs and auctioneers who are "iffy" can maniupulate the system. Not terribly common, but it happens. Over time you learn who can be trusted.

Re: Any states that cut the ORIGINAL lock in front of you?
« Reply #8 on: December 17, 2011, 07:46:34 PM »
All of the places in my area cut the locks off.  Most of them do it the day before the auction after CoB.  I know two locations that also take pictures w/ sign of the date & unit #.

For me it really don't matter if cut lock off in front of me or not.  I'm always judge a unit by what I see and past exp with the same type of units.

Offline money4nothing

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Re: Any states that cut the ORIGINAL lock in front of you?
« Reply #9 on: December 18, 2011, 07:28:49 AM »
I agree craiglst. Our last unit with the pictures in the office we found no treasure. The only thing I did not like the cut lock was in a open packed  box. Tried to remember were the box was in the unit by the lock side of the door, or in the middle. there was a purse in there too all turned inside out. Who knows. Still like the locker. No way the unit was gone through to much work.

Looked like a whole household.  But mainly furniture and clothes. Very little smalls. Still have to go through the clothes who knows might find some cash in the pockets... Yeah right.. LOL

If you have doubts about a unit then don't bid.

"I'm always judge a unit by what I see and past exp with the same type of units."

Past exp. is the best.

Offline bwd111

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Re: Any states that cut the ORIGINAL lock in front of you?
« Reply #10 on: December 22, 2011, 01:26:37 PM »

And how, PREY TELL, would you know it was the original lock ?  They could have cut off the real original and put on one of their own after they did whatever they wanted inside.

What i'm sick of is the managers going through units and telling the crowd what you folks see in the boxes is what is in the boxes! Also storage places combing units of picked through stuff and then auctioning off the units! That the old bait and switch trick! You get out to the auction and then they lay the bad news out. Whats funny is when everyone walks out.

Our competitor is offering lock cutting services through Pop-A-Lock

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