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Can't get rid of the!

Can't get rid of the!
« on: May 25, 2012, 08:23:14 PM »
I seem to be in a problem, I mean it's not a huge problem but I can't seem to sell one of my items and it's not anything to worry about but I need money to make money and since this is my only real job right now this load up is killing me! Anyone have any advise? I don't wanna seem stupid and go to a Pawn Shop but is that stupid? And I tried Craigslist and no one contacted me. What is my best bet to do in these situations because I'm sure this has happened to one of you before. Thanks!

Re: Can't get rid of the!
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2012, 08:35:12 PM »
Pretty vague~what is the one item you can't sell?
Swap meet, craigslist and ebay in that order for me.

Have you checked 'true' value of item?  If you just price off what folks are 'asking' on ebay, you're probably too high.

w/o more info.....can't offer more help~

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Re: Can't get rid of the!
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2012, 09:18:16 PM »
Pretty vague

Yep, but maybe the answer is in the link below or in the other thread he started with the same contents:,2606.msg18311.html

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Re: Can't get rid of the!
« Reply #3 on: May 26, 2012, 03:18:32 PM »
totally depends on the type of items. like the saying goes the best buyer is the one in front of you. i hate going to the flea market when i could squeeze an extra 50 out of an item maybe on craigslist but at teh same time items sitting around takes up space meaning you can't buy more stuff. id rather flip quickly for a smaller profit than sit on something forever. time is money and so is space. at some point you just gotta bite the bullet and start throwing stuff away if it wont sell or have a garage sale and sell items for ridiculously low garage sale prices.

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Re: Can't get rid of the!
« Reply #4 on: May 29, 2012, 02:09:20 PM »
I seem to be in a problem, I mean it's not a huge problem but I can't seem to sell one of my items and it's not anything to worry about but I need money to make money and since this is my only real job right now this load up is killing me! Anyone have any advise? I don't wanna seem stupid and go to a Pawn Shop but is that stupid? And I tried Craigslist and no one contacted me. What is my best bet to do in these situations because I'm sure this has happened to one of you before. Thanks!
I would write the storage auction tv shows and tell them you were cheated! Tell them that they show how easy it is to buy and not that easy to sell. Tell them to do an epsiode of both spectrums of buy and sell.

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Re: Can't get rid of the!
« Reply #5 on: May 31, 2012, 11:50:33 PM »
While you're at it, tell them to film an episode showing how glamorous it is to load up dusty, rat feces covered merchandise in 100 degree heat. 

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Re: Can't get rid of the!
« Reply #6 on: June 03, 2012, 09:40:15 PM »
While you're at it, tell them to film an episode showing how glamorous it is to load up dusty, rat feces covered merchandise in 100 degree heat. 

  And having Beautiful Models in Revealing clothes doing it .
Or some of the SuicideGirls since they like to cross post between TV shows ( Like the All Brass Cash Register from Pawn Stars found in a locker  LOL )
That should bring the viewers back . ROFPIP

Re: Can't get rid of the!
« Reply #7 on: June 04, 2012, 08:52:12 PM »
Of all the things I am having trouble getting rid of it is a solid walnut dining room table. Its a nice vintage piece from the 40's. Twin pedistal, but still sitting in my garage. Everything else is moving at a good rate.

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Re: Can't get rid of the!
« Reply #8 on: June 05, 2012, 06:54:40 AM »
Drop your asking price. It is only worth what people are willing to pay. If it is a special item and you don't have the venue to sell it for it's highest potential then you just need to sell it to someone who can.

Re: Can't get rid of the!
« Reply #9 on: June 07, 2012, 01:43:37 PM »
I've talked with a lot of knowledgable antique dealers regarding the market. From what I've been told antiques tend to swing on a 20 year shift. As always, the good stuff will sell well, but we are in the middle of a downward shift.  You can see an upswing in "mantiques" due solely to the popularity of American Pickers, but glassware, furniture, etc is trending down and hard to move.

The question is, what moves into the position as the new collectible?  I tend to think it will be items people remember from their childhood, and for me that was Nintendo, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, etc. If I were guessing, those will be the next set of vintage items that you want to begin collecting now.

I'm probably wrong, who can really guess?

To answer your question, as others have said. The item is worth what someone will pay for it. Experience will teach you when to back away.

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Re: Can't get rid of the!
« Reply #10 on: June 08, 2012, 08:49:07 AM »
Yeap, trends baby trends...

I hear a lot of antique dealers, auction houses, and estate sale companies lamenting about how they can't sell furniture anymore. I can tell you why, (Atleast in my area) A LOT of people are passing away now who owned bland, dark tone, American furniture made in the 1950s & 1960s, so large supply on the market. In my opinion, there are very few customers (low demand) for bland, dark tone, American furntiture made in the 1950s & 1960s. Simple as that.

As far as guessing the next hot collectibles, I would guess toys, video games, music, from the 1990 to 2000. I'm gonna guess to especially be on the look out for things that actually weren't very people then, but most people recognize. Think Milli-Vanilli & Vanilla Ice merchandise. You could probably pick up stuff like that at flea markets and yard sales for pennies.

Remember, only certain things are gonna get hot again, not everything, and nobody knows whats gonna hit,  but if you have the storage space it might be a good investment to just start collecting from this time period and stacking it away. New or like new condition is always going to be your best bet.

Re: Can't get rid of the!
« Reply #11 on: June 08, 2012, 10:08:07 AM »
Thanks for the words on the table. The wife want to keep it anyway and it makes a good work surface.

As for the next hot item. I like to keep my eye on the movies. When the first transformers came out generation 1 transformers went through the roof. Now they are way way down. There is a me TMNT movie due out soon so vintage 80s toys and comics should jump again. A note on the comics. Even with the first TF movies the comics barley moved.

I'm chomping at the bit cause the next auction in my area isn't till the 23 rd.

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Re: Can't get rid of the!
« Reply #12 on: June 08, 2012, 10:19:49 PM »
I had a nice talk with an antique dealer at an estate sale today.
We started on a '40's tin toy in box for $20.  I wanted it for $5. Showed him eBay buy-it-now for $7-10.
He said five years ago it would have been $100. But eBay has saturated the market with antiques. Where as people couldn't find stuff before, now things aren't so rare.

Said he doesn't even sell furniture anymore from past he '60s. The people of buying age want the stuff that their grand parents had. That's old to them.

And china is dead.  Again, eBay has it saturated so it's easy to ind that broken piece of grandmas fine china.  That and no one does formal dinners.  And it's to easy to go get quality, nice looking  cheap.

Baby boomers dieing off so lots of stuff around. Ease of Internet buying......

He too said that a lot of his best selling stuff is from the 60s & 70s. It's all buried in peoples attic and it was the age of throw stuff out and thus hasn't it the Internet as hard. 

Anyway, why he runs estate sales now. Cause people don't research things as much.

Think thats why I've sold well on Craigslist over eBay.   People get instant gratification.  See it, buy it.  get to touch and look at.  They don't have 30 others to look at. Bit more 'rare'
 Dont Think to themselves "oh I can get it anytime"

Re: Can't get rid of the!
« Reply #13 on: June 08, 2012, 10:23:57 PM »
Pawn shops fine if u dpnt expect top dollar.

do a garage sale.

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Re: Can't get rid of the!
« Reply #14 on: June 14, 2012, 05:57:53 AM »
FWIW. the WSJ Reported retail sales have dropped in the last two months.

This recession is far from being over and maybe becase of the length of it, it is finally effecting the second hand sales market. I fear that when the second hand market gets really, really bad we will be in more trouble than we want.

...Fingers Crossed...

Have to agree with you. Our Fingers crossed too.

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