Storage Auctions

Can I report a manager?

Can I report a manager?
« on: November 16, 2011, 07:13:15 PM »
Ok some of you may remember the “funeral parlor” auction I had planned on attending. It was advertised in the paper for 10-20-11 with 15 units but when I called the day before, it was moved to later and he didn't know when yet.

  Well I called and called for several days, (He used his cell number in the paper to advertise the auction.) finally he told me that he would be doing it at 1:30 on Wed, the 9th.
 Me and the wife get there at like 12:50, go to the front office to sign in and the guy there has no clue as to what is going on. I tell him what I was told and he suggest I call the other guy. So I call him and he says he doesn't even get in until 2pm and he will start cutting locks around 3..........

 Annoyed I leave and come back later at 2:50, he has just cut the first lock and is working on the 2nd one, he opens the first one and we, (me and the wife are the only people there.) well the 2nd lock is kicking his butt and manages to destroy his grinder, well he then says he will have to go buy a new grinder and wont be able to open anymore until tomm. (thurs.) well I tell him I have to work but I want to know when he is actually going to sale the stuff. He tells me that either thursday afternoon or friday.  I say “ok, well I can be here by 3 on thursday don't sale anything until I get back please.” he tells me “ok no problem.”

 Well thursday afternoon I come back and guess what. The first guy is there and he still isn't sure what is going on. I ask him if I can go look at the rest of the units that was opened, he tells me he doesn't know which ones the locks were cut on. I tell him I know which ones were up for sale, the guy agrees and I walk on out there.

 Only 5 or 6 of the 13 funeral parlor units were cut and open. I looked at them all and told the guy thanks and left. I called the other guy and asked when I could put a bid in and when would the others be cut. He said I could on monday when he had them all cut. (This is thursday.)

Monday rolls around and the man is busy cutting some more locks, I start looking at some of the other units and  ask about the ones from Thursday, he tells me. “Oh I already sold them.” I ask him why he didn't wait till I could bid like I asked several times. He says some “good customers” came by and made me some offers so I let them take it........ I ask him about the unit that had the coke machine, organ two gurneys, and piano in it. He said he pulled the coke machine out and moved it to another unit to get more money out of it......

He also told me that he wont take a low bid on something just to get rid of it, if someone owes $400 on a unit he wont let it go for less than 300 or so.

 I then figured since he has no real bidding process if I could buy the unit that he had just cut open. He tells me “no” I have a guy coming down from lagrange today that wants the gurneys in that one.......

 I tell him ok and just leave,

 My question is this. Can I report him for not following the law on this? I was really ill with the way he treated it and the way he treated me. Not sure why he lets his “good customers” come get what they want out and tells the other people all kinds of crap to keep us from buying stuff.

 Who would I notify and would anything really be done? I live in Alabama where this storage place is.


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Re: Can I report a manager?
« Reply #1 on: November 16, 2011, 08:26:03 PM »
Honestly it seems like that is a very shady place, IMO I think he either sold them off to his friends or he took the goods home for himself. I would stay away from that one. There is a place to report that kind of activity, but I do not remember where or what it is. Good Luck

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Re: Can I report a manager?
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2011, 01:13:18 AM »

 My question is this. Can I report him for not following the law on this?

 Who would I notify and would anything really be done? I live in Alabama where this storage place is. 

Yes you can report him. You would have to file a complaint with the Alabama Attorney General's Office.

Re: Can I report a manager?
« Reply #3 on: November 17, 2011, 07:37:19 PM »
Yes you can report him. You would have to file a complaint with the Alabama Attorney General's Office.

While wife was at auction today she mentioned it to some regulars. They said this guy got in some trouble a while back for the same stuff. They said they would get something done about it. I hope between them and me this guy gets what he deserves

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Re: Can I report a manager?
« Reply #4 on: November 18, 2011, 06:43:48 AM »
Hope you can get something done with this guy.

Have a question I think kinda on the same line here.

Florida here Storage act # 83.801 - 83.809.

Found a listing that stated

Pursuant to Florida Self Storage Law 83.806" Section 83.806 is enforcement of the lien. May be in their rental agreement for Private sale.

In same paper this is posted "In accordance with 93.805 of the Florida. Self Storage Facility Act" This one could be a typo... but what if they hold the auction and some smart person realizes they messed up.

Any body run across this?

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Re: Can I report a manager?
« Reply #5 on: November 18, 2011, 07:31:46 AM »
If there is a foul up while running the ads, and they know about it, they legally are not suppose to continue on with the auction.

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