Storage Auctions

Cost of units in your area?

Cost of units in your area?
« on: November 13, 2012, 08:04:38 PM »
Just wondering if other areas in the country are like mine. Seems like units with furniture go pretty cheap while the same size unit full of boxes goes really high. I am not complaining as I have a store and like the furniture with a few boxes of stuff. Usually I can scoop for around 300.00. I like to bid on what I can see and feel that the stuff contained in the boxes is my profit. This has worked out for me.   
There are three regulars (all were doing this before I got involved) that will bid a box unit to well over 1000.00 on a regular basis. I know they sell at the swap-meet but are those units really worth that much money? I have never had the courage to bid that much on something I can't see. I guess I am not that much of a gambler.
Just wondering what kind of trends you guys see in your area.

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Re: Cost of units in your area?
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2012, 09:44:27 PM »
There are no trends here, every unit is a bran new adventure! :D

Re: Cost of units in your area?
« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2012, 10:26:51 PM »
Here in Tampa its the same...the box lockers bring crazy money most times.  The lockers with furniture and big stuff seems to be cheaper.  But I have also noticed here that lockers that are easily loaded in a pick up truck or van seems to bring crazy money...guess the people that don't have a box truck or trailer bid up the eaily transportable lockers.

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Re: Cost of units in your area?
« Reply #3 on: November 14, 2012, 09:50:05 AM »
In my area, generally speaking, a "box" unit will not go as high as the same size "furniture & stuff" unit. Only time "box" units go higher is if there is some evidence of what is in the boxes and the evidence suggests value. Basically if the boxes are marked with contents and there are a few loose items in the unit that potentially verify that what is written on the boxes is accurate.

1-2 years ago at the height of the storage auction craze, unknown box units would go crazy stupid prices, but now the crowds have tempered and the unknown box units don't get as much play as they use to.

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Re: Cost of units in your area?
« Reply #4 on: November 15, 2012, 08:49:14 AM »
In my area box units can go pretty high also. An 8x10 locker loaded with boxes will bring probably $800-$1200. Much more if there is evidence of money, like other things showing expendable income in the unit (fishing poles, kayaks, golf clubs, equestrian gear, boxes marked grandma's silver set...) much less if there is evidence of no money, (broken stuff, trash/recycles, boxes marked 'save for garage sale' and 'dirty clothes')

Re: Cost of units in your area?
« Reply #5 on: November 16, 2012, 11:06:38 PM »
Cheap here if you know the ones to go to, I just bought 4 units for a total of $117. Lots of boxes in some, heavy furniture in others. But all good deals.

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Re: Cost of units in your area?
« Reply #6 on: November 18, 2012, 02:19:12 PM »
Totally depends on units. The really really large units that hold an entire household are going for like $1500 and that's without any big ticket items even really being visiblee such as appliances, car, lawnmowers, tv's etc. Smaller units that are full are going for $300-$500.

Hard to really nail down prices though as sometimes one visible item people want can drive the price up several hundred bucks

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Re: Cost of units in your area?
« Reply #7 on: November 18, 2012, 05:51:49 PM »
A lot of the units lately have been going pretty cheap because they are garbage lockers BUT, when a good or decent locker does show up it can go for anywhere from 750.00 to 2000.00 in the Stockton/Sacramento areas. Also we have some gentlemen that once they get their teeth into a locker and their minds set, they will bid over 1K for units. Was told Thursday that a couple of them spent over 3K on two units each that were supposedly owned by the same tenants, but when they started going through them, they loaded the majority up and went directly to the dump. They are regs so they will be around but hopefully they are beginning to realize the good old days are gone.  :-\

Re: Cost of units in your area?
« Reply #8 on: November 19, 2012, 08:49:22 AM »
Prices in my area are all over the place.  I picked up a small 10x10 with a love seat, chair w/ ottoman, 2 boxes of cloths/quilts, and 3 other smaller boxes for $50.  A unit like it the week before went for $125.  I bid on a 10x20 that was 1/2 full of boxes and the like on one side up to $180 and quit.  If I wasn't working to clean out old inventory and re-organize I'd of gone up to $250 on the unit.  Was worth it IMO.

Furniture units go for 200 - 600 depending on size.  The caravan we had the other week saw 3 $800+ units.  Some of that is newbies, but many of the buyers of late are regulars.

In my area the yard sales are pretty much over due to dark and cold weather.  All of the thrift stores are working to either keep a steady supply of inventory or working to stock up for feb and income tax time.  You normally have a decline in sales in Dec due to people buying new stuff for xmas.

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Re: Cost of units in your area?
« Reply #9 on: December 22, 2012, 09:29:59 AM »
Units in PA range from $1 for trash bags to $4000 for large units 10x30, depends what you can see. I was at an auction in Ephrata Pa with 2 units left. The first unit had 6 rubbermaids a childs broken tv stand and to trash bags and went for $800 and the second unit had 4 rubbermaids and a piece of workout equip. and went for $450 so if you have crazy people at the auction each rubbermaid is worth roughly $100 or above.

is this the going price for units in the seattle area?

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