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Hard to find current articles about Storage Wars Series

Offline MovieMan

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Hard to find current articles about Storage Wars Series
« on: December 26, 2013, 08:23:34 AM »
I did a search for stories about the Storage Wars Series and couldn't find much of anything after May or so of 2013.

The furor from Hester news was dying down about then and apparently the Dotson's and Darryl were being shorthanged at that time to in terms of "screen time".

Anyone find anything new about the original series from August through Decemember, 2013?


The exception of course might be reviews posted on Travis' blog area....I used to do those here, but I haven't watched any of the shows since the first 4 or so episodes of the New York brand came to be.

Re: Hard to find current articles about Storage Wars Series
« Reply #1 on: December 26, 2013, 08:46:15 AM »
I've been at about 15 tapings for storage wars ny ... unfortunately ... I usually just leave when I see the cameras and hooplah.  Sometimes though when I do my "research" I stick around but never sign the waiver to allow myself on tv.

I did stay for the very first one and happened to buy a locker next to one Joe P bought.  Basically he went to put a lock on it after he won - fairly - the producers told him not to and they put their lock on.

After the auction they told Joe to go to lunch and I went to my locker and they went to his - about 10 down.  They waited around and after 10 minutes asked me how long I would be.  I told them when I was finished and after another 10 minutes (now I may have been dragging my feet because they were acting quite shady about the whole thing) they asked again and I gave them the same answer.  I heard one of them say they were going to go get the manager to get me out of there and I told them as a regular that was not going to happen.  They didn't think I heard them so they got all defensive.  They were all fairly young and didn't really look like they have been doing this a long time.

Eventually they gave up ( I was now sitting in a chair in the unit playing on my phone) and started to unload the room.  They took everything out, taped up all of the brand names and get referring back to the pictures to make sure that it was put back in the right order ... but then came the box down from the other side of the hall... you know that one box that they always seem to find in the back corner.  They through that in there put everything back and just like magic joe p hits a homerun like only Joe P can. 

The show is ridiculous and while Joe is nice in person and off camera he has been and always will be arrogant and full of himself.

At this point I'm glad the interest is dying down and the better crowds and more reasonable prices are back on the horizon.

Storage Wars....Real World Videos....not about the TV series !

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