Storage Auctions

Do the contents listed in the legal notice effect your decision to attend?

Offline Travis

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Do the contents listed in the legal notice effect your decision to attend the auction? Why or why not?

Do the contents listed in the legal notice effect your decision to attend the auction? Why or why not?

yes and no.  The descriptions are usually what the tenant listed at the time of unit rental, not necessarily what is/will be in there at the time of the auction. 

If its high end sounding stuff it will get me there but I still have to see the value to bid.

Offline Travis

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Nice avatar! BTW

absolutely not. Storage managers generally dont know their as from a hole in the ground and they'll list everything as household goods to satisfy legal requirements. I mean seriouly, how often do i see "TV" listed. no one wants your T from 1990 dude, dont even bother putting it on the listing.

What should I include in my legal notice?

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