Storage Auctions

Don't touch things in the unit or Don't get caught touching things in the unit?

Offline Travis

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Don't touch things in the unit or Don't get caught touching things in the unit?

Sometimes you see the tool chest or the jewelry box that's right up front and the crowd is blocking the auctioneer.

Would you open a drawer to see what's inside or is it not worth possibly getting caught?

I went to an auction a few weeks ago that had 50 units, so in order to save time, the facility manager had 3 units opened at all times. She would even open a unit and walk off. Anyone who wanted to could have walked in these units, opened boxes, even taken something out of the unit.

Personally i hate when fools attempt it. ima snitch when newbies do it.

but technically if u dont get caught-it possible. just dont let me catch ya

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I woudln't do it. We all know the rules, that just slows up the process for everyone as the auctioneer then has to reprimand someone. also some other bidder will probably call you out on it loudly and in front of everyone...i know i would. also its probably technically trespassing as the unit still belongs to the facility or the owner until the auction is over for that unit.

Only time I've ever touched or entered a unit is when the manager/auction says go ahead.  Any other place you will get called out on.

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