Some months ago an auction friend bought a locker with dozens of large cardboard boxes showing as well as 4 door vertical lockers. It was the contents of a former roller skating rink.

I forget what he paid for it, but it was reasonable considering he got around 800 pair of roller skates ! Sizing them out was the biggest chore of course.
He was in a bit of panic early on so I bought 50 pair from him at a dollar a pair and sold them for $5 a pair and advertised them as coming out of a local rink that had shut down. They sold great as a nostalgia item for the most part.
Meanwhile, he had the locker for a month and even though he had contacted area-wide rinks about buying them he had no takers. Finally, toward the end of the month he got a bite and sold them all to an existing rink. He had sold most of the lockers one set at a time...they always seem to have a market around here either for storage or for decorating.
He did well on the locker, but that was mainly because the rest of us didn't want to do the work. I was happy with my small piece !