Storage Auctions

Storage Auction Books

Offline Travis

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Storage Auction Books
« on: December 08, 2012, 08:23:04 PM »
I know some of you have read Glendon Cameron's books but there are over 50 other storage auction books and e-books out there now. Those of you who have read Glendon's books or any of these other books, would you recommend them to others? Other than storage auction books, are there any other books that you would recommend for people who buy and sell for a living?

Offline Travis

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Re: Storage Auction Books
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2012, 09:55:57 AM »
I was just looking at some of the storage auction books on Amazon and I was amazed at how much crap I saw. I guess this is what you get when you live in a day and age where anyone can publish a book regardless of their writing ability. Just because you can write a book doesn't mean you should. 

What troubles me is that some of these so called authors are publishing a bunch of trash. Some of them probably haven't even been to a storage auction. :-[ They just wanted to cash in on the recent popularity of storage auctions and they aren't concerned about the quality or accuracy of the information they provide to impressionable newcomers. 

Re: Storage Auction Books
« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2012, 11:43:30 AM »
I got glendons books for christmas 2009 , I thought they were pretty interesting and most people would pick up something from them . He outlined one way to get started if you live in apartment that I thought was particularly slick .Its not a nuts and bolts detailed guide but theres lots of good general info there .

Look at all these books that have been written about storage auctions!

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anyone use for books?

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Heres one for the books

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