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It took forever to sell

Offline Travis

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It took forever to sell
« on: November 03, 2013, 12:39:42 PM »
I finally sold this student violin that I've had on Craigslist for 4 months. Started at $100, then reduced it $90, then $80, then $70 and finally $60, which was my bottom line. If it didn't sell at $60, I would have rather kept it. Another month goes by with no calls. Finally, yesterday a guy came by and took it off my hands. Are violins / musical instruments just slow sellers?

What item(s) have you had that seemed like they would never sell?

Offline Alias300

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Re: It took forever to sell
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2013, 12:55:42 PM »
Stock headlights, bumpers, grilles....all for GM SUV's. All new in box

I've had them for years.  Sell here and there for cheap and don't have many left.

Headlights I put up on ebay but everything else is to costly and a b*tch to ship so just CL them.

Other one was the vise.   $450 Retail. It was in great shape.  Took six months to sell and only got $60.

Re: It took forever to sell
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2013, 08:26:16 PM »
I've had a patient/hoya lift type item for around 6 months I've been trying to sell. I have it listed for $500 on several different craigslist cities. I've gotten one legit call on it in all that time, and when the people came out they offered 300 for it. I countered at 400 and they were supposed to 'come back' That never happened and I've been kicking myself in the ass ever since.

Offline MovieMan

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Re: It took forever to sell
« Reply #3 on: November 03, 2013, 10:11:23 PM »
I've had a patient/hoya lift type item for around 6 months I've been trying to sell. I have it listed for $500 on several different craigslist cities. I've gotten one legit call on it in all that time, and when the people came out they offered 300 for it. I countered at 400 and they were supposed to 'come back' That never happened and I've been kicking myself in the ass ever since.

Yes, it sometimes  can take months to sell an item like that. I have sold maybe 5 of them over the last couple of years, and anytime I don't have one on hand I buy the next one I see...that is if I can get them in the $50 range or less. I got a couple at a piece by piece auction for $10 and $15 !  I list them at $325 (Invacare 6805) and take as low as $275. Not a bad markup even if I paid $50. They can stick around for months, but if you have the space, why not. One time I sold the sling separately on eBay and made even more money that way than leaving it with the lift. Just sell without the sling and tell them they will want to get the specific sling for their needs at a medical supply store...they make a wide variety and it will be new.

Now, a question. How to you get away with listing that blue thing 7 times ? I see some slight wording change in the titles, but around my area if you do that they get pink deleted in nothing flat. Maybe it's an area by area thing.

Travis had his motorhome listed about 4 or 5 different ways, but nothing substanstially different.

Re: It took forever to sell
« Reply #4 on: November 04, 2013, 06:49:16 AM »
Basically I have it listed in 2 different categories but in 4 different cities for a total of 8 times. One category is general for sale and the other health and beauty. I haven't had an issue with being flagged once and those ads have literally been running half a year. In theory you could list anything you have for sale in the general category, and then its true category. But I've only done that for things that are very specific and tough to sell.

Offline Travis

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Re: It took forever to sell
« Reply #5 on: November 04, 2013, 07:02:33 AM »
I had a medical lift once. Had it posted on Craigslist for 3 months with no action. Finally sold it to some guy for $100 just to get rid of it.

I've got this old cast iron Troy Bilt horse tiller with a back up Tecumseh engine for sale right now. Other people are asking $500-$600 on Craigslist. I've had mine listed for $300 for 40 days now with no offers. Might have to lower the price again to get it to sell.

Offline Cobia

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Re: It took forever to sell
« Reply #6 on: November 05, 2013, 05:31:49 AM »
I finally sold this student violin that I've had on Craigslist for 4 months. Started at $100, then reduced it $90, then $80, then $70 and finally $60, which was my bottom line. If it didn't sell at $60, I would have rather kept it. Another month goes by with no calls. Finally, yesterday a guy came by and took it off my hands. Are violins / musical instruments just slow sellers?

What item(s) have you had that seemed like they would never sell?

One of the issues with selling musical equipment is you really have to be able to detail it's cosmetic condition and it's playing condition. When you are not able to play the piece yourself and accurately describe any tone issues or parts of the  piece that might need servicing, it's hard to get top dollar. Just because it "looks" good to the layman doesn't mean it's in proper playing condition.

Re: It took forever to sell
« Reply #7 on: November 05, 2013, 10:04:54 AM »
Glassware for me takes forever! I keep my shelves filled with it, it sits there and stagnates. I pack up bin after bin and take it to the flea market, just to pack up the same bin and bring them home.

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