Storage Auctions

Locker bought with a contingency

Locker bought with a contingency
« on: September 29, 2011, 08:32:51 PM »
Do you ever buy lockers that are contingent on the tenant paying up before the end of the business day?  I saw a locker go today, after the tenant showed up just before the auction with a sob story about how he had been out of town and unable to make his payments.  He owed nearly $800 on the locker and was given until the end of the business day to pay at least half of the owed amount.  The unit went to auction and it was a sweet unit.  Packed to the gills with lots of nice antique furniture and who knows what else.  One of the regulars paid $2505 but wasn't able to put a lock on it until tomorrow, if the tenant hadn't paid up.

Offline Drew

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Re: Locker bought with a contingency
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2011, 08:55:45 PM »
Yea Ive seen a several like that. They call them bid and holds. Ive seen it be as much as a week till you find out if you got the unit.

Offline ronin

Re: Locker bought with a contingency
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2011, 08:59:26 PM »
i got one like this. but lost it. they came and paid in full. i was not to mad about it. i got a good look after i won it. ( went in the locker) it was not as good as it looked from the door.

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