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louis vuitton bag..and..its how much?

louis vuitton bag..and..its how much?
« on: July 09, 2013, 07:30:52 PM »
So I'm showing my wife some collectables I found in a handbag.  She sees the handbag and is all excited.  What?  Its just a bag, wait til you see whats inside!

Shes not impressed by the contents.  the bag however...

WTH is wrong with people?  This bag is apparently worth some money-couple hundred!  Even more perturbing is discussing it with a friend....I learn my friend owns a bag....she paid 19K for it....on Sale!  She got it instead of a engagement ring. 

What the heck is wrong with humanity that anyone would pay that much for a handbag?  Even worse...the 19K white....she takes it out about once a year.

Even the one we found doesn't look THAT special.  Yes everything on its perfect, the stitching is perfect, etc...but still...its just a hand bag!  And its not even great bragging rights as you have to look closely to see the name on the buttons. 

My mind boggles.  On the other hand...we've also ran into some truly truly expensive clothing as well.  Even used some of its going for 100+

Then theres me.  A $8 shirt, $30 pants, $30 wallet, $50 wedding ring (titanium carbide-amazon sells for abut $50 jewelry shops $500....same ring), $120 shoes (I do spend on shoes as the really good ones aren't cheap-but oh so worth it).  And $300 glasses (Bendable!).  The things I spend money on I spend for their usage.  I cant imagine spending 19K....for a brand name.  Really?

Lockers are a fascinating insight into humanity.

Re: louis vuitton bag..and..its how much?
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2013, 09:57:45 PM »
It's amazing to me as well. However, there is always a high price for high fashion. Would you pay more for a Movado compared to a Timex? Or, if you were car shopping, would you consider a BMW over the Chevy? Everyone has their reasons for buying brand names.. Status, performance, preference.

Offline dbr831

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Re: louis vuitton bag..and..its how much?
« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2013, 09:48:56 AM »
I often wonder if I would buy high priced brand name items like louis vuitton bags if money were no object. They are not even attractive and knocked off so much that no one would bat an eye seeing it anyway. One of my daughters had a friend in high school that was given a small louis vuitton clutch for her birthday by her parents. She carried the receipt in the bag just so she could show her friends that it was 'real'. $1500! Ugh

Offline bwd111

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Re: louis vuitton bag..and..its how much?
« Reply #3 on: August 01, 2013, 05:20:14 PM »
10 bucks

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