Storage Auctions

My 2nd unit, can i make it two in a row?

My 2nd unit, can i make it two in a row?
« on: October 03, 2011, 01:31:29 AM »
After buying my last ( and first) unit last month i turned a $60 gamble into a $600+ dollar profit.  I just bought my second unit yesterday.  It seems like at my local auctions the  smaller units with random boxes go more than the  bigger units.  So, I picked up this unit for $80. It had no boxes just furniture and some odd items.  I haven't sold anything yet, but this is what was inside.

Solid wood Dining  table 6ft x4ft ( already have a few people interested on craigs for $200)

A like-new All-Clad electric in door grill. ( $100 on Ebay EASY!)

2 dressers.

4 decoy ducks.

Couch and love seat in good condition, but a little dated.

Tool box with a ton of random tools.

2 TV's 27 and 30 inch wrapped in plastic.

and a 70's waterbed headboard. 

Here is a pic of the headboard.  I thought it would be a sweet book/ dvd case for someone.  You guys think its worth anything?

Re: My 2nd unit, can i make it two in a row?
« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2011, 03:56:42 AM »
Aution hunters just made a rediculous 10 grand on some fake ducks. Better look them up.

Offline MovieMan

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Re: My 2nd unit, can i make it two in a row?
« Reply #2 on: October 03, 2011, 09:50:50 AM »

Here is a pic of the headboard.  I thought it would be a sweet book/ dvd case for someone.  You guys think its worth anything?

Re the headboard. In my area the vast majority of regular buyers who get these just put them in the dump. Heavy, bulky, usually beat up and from the 70s....doesn't meet the architectual guideline "less is more." But maybe your idea would work; give it a shot.

TVs...find a recycler that will either take them from you for free or give you a few cents a pound. A couple of people here smash them up and get the copper.

Will you make 10 times your money twice in a row? I don't think so, but in the first years of the state run lotteries I used to buy a ticket now and again ..... until the numbers REALITY set in. I read recently that the chances of being killed by a asteroid are something like 1 in 700,000 so you are more likely to die that way than to win the lottery, and how many of us have ever even seen an asteroid (or even a meteorite) come down within 100 yards of us or even a hundred miles ? !

"Allowing for the number of Earth-crossing asteroids — the kind that can hit us because their orbits around the Sun intersect ours — as well as how much damage they can do (which depends on their size), he calculated that any person’s lifetime odds of being killed by an asteroid impact are about 1 in 700,000."  From astronomer Alan Davis.

Re: My 2nd unit, can i make it two in a row?
« Reply #3 on: October 03, 2011, 10:03:17 AM »
I'm just looking at making a profit not  exactly 10x my money back.  The tv's work, so it should be an easy sell.  I don't think i have the golden goose hands here.  I just feel that a lot of people give up on units that involve a little work ( moving all that ish was a pain in the ass).

Offline MovieMan

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Re: My 2nd unit, can i make it two in a row?
« Reply #4 on: October 03, 2011, 10:08:38 AM »
I'm just looking at making a profit not  exactly 10x my money back.  The tv's work, so it should be an easy sell.  I don't think i have the golden goose hands here.  I just feel that a lot of people give up on units that involve a little work ( moving all that ish was a pain in the ass).

A year of two before the digital coversion for tv signals I would take an EXCELLENT looking 27" or larger tv to the flea and get between $100 and even $200 for it, but now I don't even bother (recycle them instead for 6 cents a pound). If they are pre-digital sets they need a $40 to $60 converter to get off-air signals or a buyer who subscribes to cable or satellite.

I rarely see an old tv for sale at my flea market, but the less-well-to-do market does show them more frequently.

Re: My 2nd unit, can i make it two in a row?
« Reply #5 on: October 03, 2011, 10:16:03 AM »
Each Tv is about 30-40 pounds.  40 x .06 = $2.40.  For $10 I think I can find them a home.

Offline MovieMan

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Re: My 2nd unit, can i make it two in a row?
« Reply #6 on: October 03, 2011, 10:23:04 AM »
Each Tv is about 30-40 pounds.  40 x .06 = $2.40.  For $10 I think I can find them a home.

Probably right; not everyone can afford even the $90 plus tax that would get them a 15" flatscreen at Walmart.

If they can buy one for $10 and find a used converter (with its remote) for another $20 or so, they could be watching tv for maybe $30 instead of $90 plus.

On a similar note an old (heavy, bulky) computer monitor might bring $10 whereas a flatscreen monitor typically brings $30 to $50 at the flea depending on age, condition, size.

Re: My 2nd unit, can i make it two in a row?
« Reply #7 on: October 05, 2011, 06:10:52 PM »
ok, well this locker was a complete bust.  I sold the All-clad for 100, and one dresser for $20.

I posted the solid wood dining table for 70 bucks and not one single person emailed or called me and loveseat / couch for 40 (set)

I posted those stupid duck decoys for .99 cents on ebay and not one bid.

I got my money back, but damn this unit sucks.

Offline MovieMan

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Re: My 2nd unit, can i make it two in a row?
« Reply #8 on: October 05, 2011, 06:36:42 PM »
ok, well this locker was a complete bust.  

I got my money back, but damn this unit sucks.

Unless my math is wrong you made some money on it.  What about the TVs ?

Re: My 2nd unit, can i make it two in a row?
« Reply #9 on: October 05, 2011, 08:15:24 PM »
Still have them.

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