Storage Auctions

A Noobie's Selling Conundrum

A Noobie's Selling Conundrum
« on: August 09, 2011, 07:37:37 PM »
So, I have been going through my home as if it were a storage locker and selling various things through various channels in order to get a bankroll to go out and get that first locker.  But it has led to a question for you experts...

I have 7 collectible items (wargames of various titles) that I want to sell.  On eBay, they could go for between $650-$750 for the lot.  I found a game store that sells out-of-print games, and he sells these titles from $50 to $350 for each of  my titles (two of them at the $350 each price).  This store also buys games, so I contacted him, and he offered me $400 for all seven.

My question is, what would you do?  Do you go for the sure $400?  Do you put them on eBay with a reserve, but they might not sell?  Do you try craigslist first?  

Say you found these in a unit... what do you do to unload them?  All advice is appreciated.

Offline jrossjr79

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Re: A Noobie's Selling Conundrum
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2011, 09:32:51 PM »
Put them on ebay with a reserve price (or better yet some other auction site). That way if it does not get the bite you were anticipating for, then you can still make your money with the dealer. I did it that way with an old payphone from the 50s. I ended up getting more money for it (even after shipping) selling on ebay (with reserve) then I would have gotten from the 3 various collectors/dealers in my area.

Re: A Noobie's Selling Conundrum
« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2011, 09:38:37 PM »
I would try Ebay.If you don't sell them you can always sell them to the other person.Open the bidding to international bidders sometimes they can create a bidding war.Good Luck!!

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