Actually, I've been doing this for a few months now, but it's really coming into its own now.
I reduced the number of storage auction lockers I bought in the last 6 months due mainly to the quality of the lockers available in about a 30 mile range. A lot of the lockers I have seen have just been trashy or at the best they were medium quality.
Combine that with relatively high prices for the better lockers and the work it took to clean them out, dump runs etc, I just decided to pretty much give them up.
Because I had fewer sales items from "picking" I GAVE UP SELLING AT A FLEA MARKET!
Yes, after 9 years and 10 months, my last flea sales day was at the end of October, 2013.
I haven't missed that 4 a.m. getting up, getting to the flea at 5:30 a.m. and loading up 90% of the stock between noon and 2 p.m.
My picking skills have improved (sure I still buy a dud now and again) and sales on eBay are great right now but Craigslist is slow (last couple of weeks of Jan, 2014).
Anyway, a big change after selling about 45 Saturdays a year at a flea market for almost 10 YEARS !