The absolute best worst room i ever got was from a uhaul. It was an 8x8 upstairs unit packed about 3 foot high and the records were good and plenty of them , the tools were good and again lots of them , the guy was an amateur photographer and the cameras were good too and there were 8 or 9. the computer at the time was recent and quality.The price was only $80 and the unit gave and gave and gave
This is back in 2007 or so
the bad parts and they were really pretty bad , everything was heavy and had to be hand carried to the end of the aisle and down a flight of stairs to get to a cart, in and of itself not so bad BUT the place was the biggest hellhole ive ever been in . MOST RATS IVE EVER SEEN IN ONE PLACE. ive smoked for a long time and generally cant smell anything , this was awfull , all you could smell was rat . there was crap everywhere . i saw 10 or 12 dead ones durring the auction and many live ones running around durring the course of the day . For those of you that dont know if youve got a bunch , 30 or so people walking around at an auction durring the day, and you see live rats running around with no fear of humans, theres a ****load of rats
while i was emptying the room i was watching several of them run back and forth under doors down the aisle from where i was
some of the uncovered items looked like they had been stored under a rabbit hutch

on the lighter side my cat had a good time sniffing the hell out of everything