In this business, a mostly cash one, how do you protect yourself? Its not uncommon to carry large amounts of cash, and even if you havent made enemies, you cant predict other people. Ever been in a situation where you needed it?
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I have seen at least two or three people here speak to the fact they are carrying money in one pocket and a firearm in the other.
I have never done that, nor will I, thinking it might be better to give it up than get shot trying to defend it. Money can be replaced, life can't. And if some little kid (or an adult for that matter) got caught up in the gunfire because of something I did, that would be hard to live with.
Anyway, that being said, one could always secure the bulk of one's money in a vehicle (assuming that was felt to be a secure way to do it) and there are more than likely a half-dozen ways to insure that the money wouldn't disappear from your person.
I know one fellow who carries two wallets. This is for a buying situation of course (he plainly opens the one wallet when making an offer..."That's all I've got except for the $5 I need for gas") while in the other wallet he might have a couple of thousand. I guess it works for him...not something I would do; I would just keep $20 or $100 lose in a pocket when making a deal at a flea market, etc. So, maybe the wallet idea would work to foil a robber...just give him the one that is the low-end wallet. Put a couple of expired credit cards in it, etc. Might work.
The likelihood of any of us getting robbed is pretty slim I think but it could happen...just as you could get struck by lightning or win the lottery. I don't know what the odds are, but probably more likely to get robbed and those odds would still be hundreds of thousands to one I would guess.
I've never heard of a robbery taking place at or around a storage auction. Maybe the thieves read the post about the guys carrying guns.