No, you don't need to remind me, but I think you have tunnel vision when it comes to online auctions. Your comparison to the infancy of online buying in general ignores one fact which I think is quite large.
The online shopping which has developed over the last decade encompasses hundreds of venues (if not thousands or tens of thousands) which are selling a WIDE variety of goods, and they appeal to millions upon millions of online buyers, not the 10,000 (or whatever) people who buy storage auction lockers. The comparison is like comparing....I don't know what...but it's not a good comparison from a logical standpoint. But, we are each entitled to our individual opinions; however, I have no motivation to promote my belief whereas you do.
i think both you and travis are right. i think online storage auctions are in their infancy, probably going more from physical auctions to online, maybe even gotomeeting type settings where everyone from their home computer is calling bids over a facetime type deal.
that said i also agree that comparing storage auctions to online shopping isn't really a fair comparison, like you said online shopping encompasses basically every retailer andmerchant who had a brick and mortar store transitiioning into online where as everyone needs to buy things. storage market is a more limited market, how many people are buying things for resale, buying used things, trying to make money flipping,, much smaller market.
that said i think this industry is changing and whoever is innovative and changes with the times will come out on top. i do somewhat agree however that the hype the show created has come and gone though i imagine more people are involved now than before the craze