Storage Auctions

Sad state of storage unit buying

Sad state of storage unit buying
« on: March 26, 2012, 08:58:10 PM »
Well Ive been doing this for 15 years now.   Its as bad as It can get.  Ive seen inudations of people as far back as 5 years ago with the ebay convention things at your nearest Hilton hotel on saturday between 2-4  only $40   teach you all you need to know to make a fortune on ebay by reselling stuff and one of the things was storage lockers.    Im guessing (never went to one) they were more truethuful about getting stuff out of a unit for ebay becuase we got big influxes of people but they never bought and were gone right away.   These TV shows they belive that they can spend $500 on a 5x10 unit and they will hit gambling gold.  So its funny I see 5x5 and 5x10 going for more money then  10x30 full that will be alot of work but I can see them money sitting there in front of me.
I recently did a U-Haul place,  two 5x5 went for over $800 each but I bought a 10x20 for $500   lots of crap lots to trash and lots to goodwill but I easily cleared $2000  over the weekend at flea market.    And I never see these newbies at flea market.   And the few I do  I immediatley go over and cherry pick their stuff.  They have not idea  ask to much on stuff that not worth what they think and sell me stuff for litterly $1  I turn around with in an hour and sell for $50.
Im not trying to be one of those guys that sits their tells about all my great buys ....what im saying are noobies  your in over you head and Ill prey on you left and right   go ahead buy that unit for $500 that two years ago Id given $40 for  Ill buy the good stuff you just losing your money... Go to a casino  you have a better chance of making money

Re: Sad state of storage unit buying
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2012, 12:24:36 AM »
Some of the prices out there are crazy.Take more patience,time and money than it used to.

Offline bwd111

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Re: Sad state of storage unit buying
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2012, 10:25:43 AM »
Well Ive been doing this for 15 years now.   Its as bad as It can get.  Ive seen inudations of people as far back as 5 years ago with the ebay convention things at your nearest Hilton hotel on saturday between 2-4  only $40   teach you all you need to know to make a fortune on ebay by reselling stuff and one of the things was storage lockers.    Im guessing (never went to one) they were more truethuful about getting stuff out of a unit for ebay becuase we got big influxes of people but they never bought and were gone right away.   These TV shows they belive that they can spend $500 on a 5x10 unit and they will hit gambling gold.  So its funny I see 5x5 and 5x10 going for more money then  10x30 full that will be alot of work but I can see them money sitting there in front of me.
I recently did a U-Haul place,  two 5x5 went for over $800 each but I bought a 10x20 for $500   lots of crap lots to trash and lots to goodwill but I easily cleared $2000  over the weekend at flea market.    And I never see these newbies at flea market.   And the few I do  I immediatley go over and cherry pick their stuff.  They have not idea  ask to much on stuff that not worth what they think and sell me stuff for litterly $1  I turn around with in an hour and sell for $50.
Im not trying to be one of those guys that sits their tells about all my great buys ....what im saying are noobies  your in over you head and Ill prey on you left and right   go ahead buy that unit for $500 that two years ago Id given $40 for  Ill buy the good stuff you just losing your money... Go to a casino  you have a better chance of making money
With everyone buying and flooding the market with product it ruins prices.

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