Storage Auctions

Staged units.

Staged units.
« on: March 23, 2012, 08:05:55 PM »
Ok im talking to the old time buyers.   We know what manager specials or abandoned units are.  Part of the business -but back in the day the managers told us that they took stuff left in other units compliled it in one to get rid of it.
But in last year their been a phenomen; I call, manager greed.   These mostly are independently owned storage places or ones that are maybe 4-5 places at most.  PS  or mini-u  never seen it, U-store (cubesmart)  dont think they are but they still dicking around.  Ive seen many made up units by managers with the help of auction buyers in last year. Yes your fellow auction buyers colluding with managers to make up these units to sell.  Think about it the buyer knows how to set it up to make it look like a good unit and the manager gives them a 10x10  or so and they split the money.  And once you hand them the money really nothing you can do.   I knew the places in town that the managers set up units not to make money but just to get rid of the **** left behind.  Now they think they can make money...and they can because newbies buy into it.   It got so bad at one place  they went from 45 buyers  to 3 buyers the next month

As to storage shows.  They are all fake.   They recently did auction hunters here in denver,  I was at one place  the producer came up to me before auction and told me to bid  he would pay for my unit and to make it "dramatic"
well they picked the worst place in town  all crap   But I spoke to Allen and ton for over 4 hours as we waited.
Allen has done this but he is an actor. Ton has no idea  how he got roped in i dont know.  Allen sorta knows his **** but tons along for the ride.   They bought one crap nothing unit near the end  to say they bought one.   After it was over they made the crowd stand around a closed locker and film me bidding against Allen and ton...had to do multiple takes 
me winnning some
me losing
me talking smack
them talking smack
next day I go back  to pick up the one liittle 5x5 I bought   they were loading up that crappy unit with stuff and filming them coming out of the unit just all happy holding a $1500 thing that we all know they planted.  Hell that crappy white van of theirs was broken down out in the parking lot  and they had to call in a mobile mechanic to work on it
What did i get for my 5 hours their?    $20   and had to sign a waiver releasing my image     Ill be on sometime in April

Offline MovieMan

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Re: Staged units.
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2012, 10:05:23 PM »
I think you are right on the first subject AND I thank you for the insider look at the 2nd subject.

Sad on both counts.

Offline money4nothing

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Re: Staged units.
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2012, 05:41:14 AM »
Very sad on both parts.

On the stage units recently happened to fellow forum member. IMO. 

On the show great for entertainment sad people believe it. 

Down here in FL. I remind noobies that people come here to die (retire) all their treasures are sold when they move or are stored in their former state.

I count Moviemans 1 out of 500 to 1 out of 2000.  ;D

Thanks for the post.

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Re: Staged units.
« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2012, 06:35:22 AM »

I count Moviemans 1 out of 500 to 1 out of 2000.  ;D

Actually, I've always said I think it's about 1 out of 50 to get a "really good" in which I can make
5 to 10 times the money, but I think that ratio has changed. Maybe it's 1 in 100 or more now.

Now the prices are so high that the profit margin has gone down substantially.  More people are paying up their locker fees and bailing stuff out so that means fewer good lockers to get.

Yes, there are just plain dummies who think they TOO will find a rare pistol in a locker, or just any weapon. There are more of those people than there are people who are smart enough and who will persevere enough to make it in this business and they are just in the way at this time.

Offline money4nothing

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Re: Staged units.
« Reply #4 on: March 24, 2012, 06:59:05 AM »
Actually, I've always said I think it's about 1 out of 50 to get a "really good" in which I can make
5 to 10 times the money, but I think that ratio has changed. Maybe it's 1 in 100 or more now.

Had put 1 out of 100 to begin with (not enough coffee yet) sorry for the miss quote.

But I think it has changed if you can get lucky enough to get 50 lockers in this environment.

Yes survival is the key at this point. Diversifying.   

Re: Staged units.
« Reply #5 on: March 24, 2012, 07:20:34 PM »
That is what I do when I hit auctions.  I take a print-out of the auction listing with me.  If the unit is not on the list I bid only on what I see.  No gambling in those units.  I've only gotten 1 unit so far that was on the list and still looked iffy when was searching it.

Offline bwd111

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Re: Staged units.
« Reply #6 on: March 26, 2012, 09:58:39 AM »
Ok im talking to the old time buyers.   We know what manager specials or abandoned units are.  Part of the business -but back in the day the managers told us that they took stuff left in other units compliled it in one to get rid of it.
But in last year their been a phenomen; I call, manager greed.   These mostly are independently owned storage places or ones that are maybe 4-5 places at most.  PS  or mini-u  never seen it, U-store (cubesmart)  dont think they are but they still dicking around.  Ive seen many made up units by managers with the help of auction buyers in last year. Yes your fellow auction buyers colluding with managers to make up these units to sell.  Think about it the buyer knows how to set it up to make it look like a good unit and the manager gives them a 10x10  or so and they split the money.  And once you hand them the money really nothing you can do.   I knew the places in town that the managers set up units not to make money but just to get rid of the **** left behind.  Now they think they can make money...and they can because newbies buy into it.   It got so bad at one place  they went from 45 buyers  to 3 buyers the next month

As to storage shows.  They are all fake.   They recently did auction hunters here in denver,  I was at one place  the producer came up to me before auction and told me to bid  he would pay for my unit and to make it "dramatic"
well they picked the worst place in town  all crap   But I spoke to Allen and ton for over 4 hours as we waited.
Allen has done this but he is an actor. Ton has no idea  how he got roped in i dont know.  Allen sorta knows his **** but tons along for the ride.   They bought one crap nothing unit near the end  to say they bought one.   After it was over they made the crowd stand around a closed locker and film me bidding against Allen and ton...had to do multiple takes 
me winnning some
me losing
me talking smack
them talking smack
next day I go back  to pick up the one liittle 5x5 I bought   they were loading up that crappy unit with stuff and filming them coming out of the unit just all happy holding a $1500 thing that we all know they planted.  Hell that crappy white van of theirs was broken down out in the parking lot  and they had to call in a mobile mechanic to work on it
What did i get for my 5 hours their?    $20   and had to sign a waiver releasing my image     Ill be on sometime in April
The put everything in one unit that doesnt fit in the dumster units are becoming more popular than ever. And people pay big money for those units. sad.

Staged Units

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