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Tell us about the nastiest unit you ever bought.

Offline Travis

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Tell us about the nastiest unit you ever bought.
« on: March 12, 2011, 09:45:48 PM »
I have purchased some pretty nasty units over the last year. One was literally covered in rat feces. It was stuck on almost every item. One unit was a dumpster. It looked good from the door (pressure washers, safe, japanese dolls) but it was 90% trash. It was a hoarder unit and this guy hadn't thrown away any paper or food wrappers in years. But, the nastiest unit I ever bought contained some guys geriatric porn collection. It made me gag. I like to make a profit on everything that I buy but how do you resell something like that? I know there is a market for everything but it was a little too disgusting to sell. It went straight into the garbage.

Re: Tell us about the nastiest unit you ever bought.
« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2011, 10:06:39 PM »
My first ever unit was bad one. It tok me 3 days (5 hours every day) to clean it out and drive it to the dump.
That unit costed me with all the dumps fee's and hauling about 800 dollars, i got back 300 dollars afterall was sold.
It was a typical hoarder unit, with both dead and live rats in it.

My second worst one was my first here in Memphis, it was a unit full of trash, tons of work for break even.
After this unit i promised my self i would never bid on units like that again.

But i have seen worse, about 3 weeks ago, a unit was so bad that the auctioneer stopped the auction and closed the door. It had old used diapers with Poop ( it was enough to fill 3 or 4 black garbage bags) in them. When he opened the door, the smell was horrible. Along with these poop collectors, there was old food, old garbage bags, tons of empty soda can's, etc.

Re: Tell us about the nastiest unit you ever bought.
« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2011, 10:56:52 AM »
It's not what I bought but what I had to work in. In my past life I was a pest control technician, a.k.a. exterminator.

Along with a regular commercial route I would have to do "preventative services" occasionally. Usually it was an inspection of someone's furniture and furnishings along with roach bait placed to prevent any infestations. The owners of the items were usually moving into apartment complexes which made new tenants supply a record of inspection. A good idea in my opinion.

So, I was training a new person (who'd had experience) and we were sent to a storage unit for a preventative inspection. When we got there at the specified time, no customer! I called and told them we wouldn't be waiting long and we were informed by the customer they'd be right there. 25 minutes later they showed. What they failed to tell the company was that there were 2 units. I know the price would've been much higher. The customer opened the first unit and things were jam packed. I explained that they would have to remove some items so that we could access the furniture and stuff. They said that I could climb over the stuff. Uh, no! I told them that it was a liability issue and they'd have to sign a waiver for me to do so. They refused and told me they'd get the stuff out. I explained that both units would have to be accessible and that I'd be back in 90 minutes.

I gave them the time and we came back. Well, wouldn't ya know. Their stuff was crawling with roaches. I was so pissed off. It wasn't even worth what the company was getting paid. What normally should've taken 45 minutes took 2 hours (even with 2 of us). I was even more angry because I'd started the day at 4:00am and when we started their units it was 2:30pm.

I'd seen some very, very nasty things doing the job, but this was a first...going to a unit screaming with roaches. I'm so glad I don't do it anymore!!!

Anyone bought a really bad unit lately?

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