Storage Auctions

The $5000 Dollar "Storage Auction" Common Sense Challenge! Man Up Today!

Offline Glendon Cameron

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I have read much of  the information on the internet about storage auctions and MOST of it is rehashed and reshaped, nothing new and often wrong, some stolen from me. There are many people who have bought less than 50 units at auction some less than 10 who think they are now "vets" of the game, which cracks me up . Nothing could be further from the truth. It takes years to properly learn this business.

So I am issuing  a challenge to all of the "smart storage auction  folks out there who think my information is just " common sense" if you can build your business to point greater than what I built, improve on my information  and make more money, build a Youtube channel and write a book and build a following. I have $5000 cold hard cash for you!  Since it is so easy, you should be collecting my money real soon to help you out I giving you 6 months to do this. Talk is cheap,bull**** is prevalent lets see how effective you really are.  If you don't step up the challenge you are just proving yourself to be a scared lil ***** that is all talk and no action. I am looking forward to folks stepping up!

See video for rules of engagement- it starts today!

Offline acman

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Re: The $5000 Dollar "Storage Auction" Common Sense Challenge! Man Up Today!
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2011, 06:31:48 PM »
I'm going to say get real Glendon. 

What you have built is not possible in today's auction scene.  I'll give you credit for doing what you did, but to ask someone to replicate what took you 10 years to do in 6 months in a down economy and with idiot bidders is impossible.  The only way possible to do that in 6 months is somehow get on a new Storage Wars (insert city here).

I know I am not a expert at Storage lockers, but I know that common sense is at least 60% of this business, 35% I'd say is knowing what items will resell at and 5% is luck.

Common sense(with some learning experience) has seen me grow $400 starting cash into $1500 and another $1K to sell.  I know it may not sound impressive to you or others, but I also have a full time job, I am trying to sell items in one of the most depressed areas in the US(Michigan), and I am fighting idiots who think they are going to find a Babe Ruth sports item or Gold in every unit.

Re: The $5000 Dollar "Storage Auction" Common Sense Challenge! Man Up Today!
« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2011, 07:29:49 PM »
Shouldn't this be in the "plugs" category? That's all it looks like to me.


Re: The $5000 Dollar "Storage Auction" Common Sense Challenge! Man Up Today!
« Reply #3 on: November 23, 2011, 07:45:44 PM »
Hmm - now why does this thread read to me like someone is pissed off or scared.  I've not really read the thread about your books / youtube video but I may have to now.  I did visit your site (if it's the one I'm thinking of) and left it after 30 mins to just read the threads here.  I highly doubt people have "stolen" your ideas and posted them as your own.  Most of everything I've read in these forums, other ones, and the few $.99 books I bought just to browse are all the same.  It's the same info in different formats.  Storage Auction's like many things is just common sense.  What makes the difference is experience.  That can only be gained with time.

I really agree with acman.  It's learning what sales, for what, and to whom that makes or break you.  What contacts you grow over time.  I'm only 10 units in but I do know more now then I did back in June.  I get better each month.

Re: The $5000 Dollar "Storage Auction" Common Sense Challenge! Man Up Today!
« Reply #4 on: November 24, 2011, 04:00:55 AM »
What about those that bought many units, less than 50 but been to hundreds of auctions
Over a span of several years. Simultaniously doing the back work in establishing networks and ,,contacts, collectors and buisness's. Being involved in many many discussions on tactics (that have been successful for them. Would that be more of a makings of a pro. Regaurdless of only one aspect of (# of buying units) to constiute a person being a pro

Offline Glendon Cameron

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Re: The $5000 Dollar "Storage Auction" Common Sense Challenge! Man Up Today!
« Reply #5 on: November 24, 2011, 09:59:28 AM »
I'm going to say get real Glendon. 

What you have built is not possible in today's auction scene.  I'll give you credit for doing what you did, but to ask someone to replicate what took you 10 years to do in 6 months in a down economy and with idiot bidders is impossible.  The only way possible to do that in 6 months is somehow get on a new Storage Wars (insert city here).

I know I am not a expert at Storage lockers, but I know that common sense is at least 60% of this business, 35% I'd say is knowing what items will resell at and 5% is luck.

Common sense(with some learning experience) has seen me grow $400 starting cash into $1500 and another $1K to sell.  I know it may not sound impressive to you or others, but I also have a full time job, I am trying to sell items in one of the most depressed areas in the US(Michigan), and I am fighting idiots who think they are going to find a Babe Ruth sports item or Gold in every unit.

Hey this challenge was for the the folks who said they could do it "better than me"  I have always stated from jump this business was hard as hell.   There are certain business skills you need to get to the next level and all the "common sense " in the world is not going to make it happen.  Congrats on your success!

Offline Glendon Cameron

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Re: The $5000 Dollar "Storage Auction" Common Sense Challenge! Man Up Today!
« Reply #6 on: November 24, 2011, 10:03:10 AM »
What about those that bought many units, less than 50 but been to hundreds of auctions
Over a span of several years. Simultaniously doing the back work in establishing networks and ,,contacts, collectors and buisness's. Being involved in many many discussions on tactics (that have been successful for them. Would that be more of a makings of a pro. Regaurdless of only one aspect of (# of buying units) to constiute a person being a pro

To answer your question- what would you do in this scenario-  go to a doctor for heart surgery  who has performed 10 such operations...or go to the guy who has done it 300 times? Why? They both are experienced right?

Offline Glendon Cameron

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Re: The $5000 Dollar "Storage Auction" Common Sense Challenge! Man Up Today!
« Reply #7 on: November 24, 2011, 10:07:21 AM »
Hmm - now why does this thread read to me like someone is pissed off or scared.  I've not really read the thread about your books / youtube video but I may have to now.  I did visit your site (if it's the one I'm thinking of) and left it after 30 mins to just read the threads here.  I highly doubt people have "stolen" your ideas and posted them as your own.  Most of everything I've read in these forums, other ones, and the few $.99 books I bought just to browse are all the same.  It's the same info in different formats.  Storage Auction's like many things is just common sense.  What makes the difference is experience.  That can only be gained with time.

I really agree with acman.  It's learning what sales, for what, and to whom that makes or break you.  What contacts you grow over time.  I'm only 10 units in but I do know more now then I did back in June.  I get better each month.

Well I just settled a case of copyright infringement out of court and decided to break off 5K for the contest.  So it is a fact that folks have stolen from me.  But hey if you think that the path you are on will make you a lot of money so be it.

Re: The $5000 Dollar "Storage Auction" Common Sense Challenge! Man Up Today!
« Reply #8 on: November 24, 2011, 10:44:51 AM »
I have always stated from jump this business was hard as hell.   There are certain business skills you need to get to the next level and all the "common sense " in the world is not going to make it happen.

We have to stop confusing "common sense" for "easy." Something being common sense does not mean that the execution is easy.

Example: Save for retirement. Common sense, yes?? But many people have great difficulty actually doing it.

So, can we all agree that this business requires a lot of common sense while still be a tough venture to do well with?

Re: The $5000 Dollar "Storage Auction" Common Sense Challenge! Man Up Today!
« Reply #9 on: November 24, 2011, 12:08:30 PM »
I thought from a You Tube video you were getting out of the storage auction business? I don't agree with people taking your material as there own. But if you are getting out what does it matter if some people think they have it figured out better than you?  ??? 

Offline Glendon Cameron

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Re: The $5000 Dollar "Storage Auction" Common Sense Challenge! Man Up Today!
« Reply #10 on: November 24, 2011, 01:01:02 PM »
I thought from a You Tube video you were getting out of the storage auction business? I don't agree with people taking your material as there own. But if you are getting out what does it matter if some people think they have it figured out better than you?  ??? 

I am out of buying unit, not training people how to do it. So it  matters when someone steals my stuff and a customer who paid their cold hard cash for the same information questions me about it.  I ignored these folks and it bit me in the ass.  As for the challenge , anyone feeling that their storage auction information is better than mine prove it!  Talk is cheap, but action is kinda rare on that front. I would think for 5K people would be beating down my door to get the loot.  Just because you leave people alone does not mean they will leave you alone , something I found to be very true this year.

Offline Glendon Cameron

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Re: The $5000 Dollar "Storage Auction" Common Sense Challenge! Man Up Today!
« Reply #11 on: November 24, 2011, 01:07:34 PM »
We have to stop confusing "common sense" for "easy." Something being common sense does not mean that the execution is easy.

Example: Save for retirement. Common sense, yes?? But many people have great difficulty actually doing it.

So, can we all agree that this business requires a lot of common sense while still be a tough venture to do well with?

We have to stop thinking common sense is common....I watched people for several years come out to auctions and never figure it out, which is what gave me the idea to write the book. The storage auction game is more competitive than ever. I took a few weeks to read the storage auction information out there and there is some very important business aspects missing. Fact is any  really successful storage auction hound is not going to come online and share their best practices, would you share a million dollar idea online for free, with strangers? We both know the answers is a big fat NO! Buying a unit is the easy part. This business requires a lot of HUSTLE,  you need to more clever than smart and that trips people up.

Re: The $5000 Dollar "Storage Auction" Common Sense Challenge! Man Up Today!
« Reply #12 on: November 24, 2011, 03:01:58 PM »
We have to stop thinking common sense is common....I watched people for several years come out to auctions and never figure it out, which is what gave me the idea to write the book. The storage auction game is more competitive than ever. I took a few weeks to read the storage auction information out there and there is some very important business aspects missing. Fact is any  really successful storage auction hound is not going to come online and share their best practices, would you share a million dollar idea online for free, with strangers? We both know the answers is a big fat NO! Buying a unit is the easy part. This business requires a lot of HUSTLE,  you need to more clever than smart and that trips people up.

If I buy your book, then turn around and sell the information out of it to someone else then I can do the same thing you are doing. And honestly there isn't much you can do about it.

 Honestly your just here to keep your name stirred up in the pot. As long as we are talking about you, your name stays out there, people will google you and find your site/videos/books and spend money. That's all this is.

Re: The $5000 Dollar "Storage Auction" Common Sense Challenge! Man Up Today!
« Reply #13 on: November 24, 2011, 03:28:57 PM »
To answer your question- what would you do in this scenario-  go to a doctor for heart surgery  who has performed 10 such operations...or go to the guy who has done it 300 times? Why? They both are experienced right?
To add to that scinereo would u go to any one that has simply just a lot of surgeries under his belt regaurdless of results or one that has a oustanding reputation but just has a smaller practice

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Re: The $5000 Dollar "Storage Auction" Common Sense Challenge! Man Up Today!
« Reply #14 on: November 24, 2011, 08:53:55 PM »
OMG I can't believe you people actually waste your time replying to this egocentric jerk. For that matter I can't believe I just wasted my time replying to this thread.

How common are "piece by piece" auctions in your area ?

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