Storage Auctions

The cost to bid

The cost to bid
« on: March 01, 2013, 03:37:29 AM »
It might just be me in a bad mood and/or after driving 50 miles to go to two auctions.  I don't mind the driving, because that is just because where we live. But, but when you get there there is over 100 people that showed up.  Well after the bidding started a trash unit went for $240.  I had just enought time to make it to the other place and sign.  They wanted my name and phone number, well that's normal.  Then they a copy of my drivers  license, i didn't like that to much, but ok.  Next, they wanted $50 deposit just to bid.  Somewhere in my little mind, I said the heck with it and just went home.  If i have to give a $50 deposit just to bid, forget it. 

Re: The cost to bid
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2013, 06:10:28 AM »
deposits before bidding arent always a bad thing , it weeds the people doing it for entertainment out of the crowd

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Re: The cost to bid
« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2013, 08:01:51 AM »
It might just be me in a bad mood and/or after driving 50 miles to go to two auctions. 
Next, they wanted $50 deposit just to bid. 
Somewhere in my little mind, I said the heck with it and just went home. 
If i have to give a $50 deposit just to bid, forget it.

Yep, all those things added up for you to being out-of-sorts about the day, but looking back on it you might have given that $50 deposit.

One place in my area gets $100 deposits and at the end of the auction, those folks who did not buy get to go in the office first (one at a time) to get their deposits back.

Typically the bidders here who complain about the deposit are those who have only brought a few hundred in the first place and find it cutting into their bidding ability.  Since one knows the deposit will be returned (either immediately or upon lkr cleanout) there wouldn't be a problem otherwise. And of course some would just be ticked off by the thought of having to pay just to bid.

Anyway, it's part of business and some places do it.

Offline bwd111

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Re: The cost to bid
« Reply #3 on: March 01, 2013, 10:01:04 AM »
It might just be me in a bad mood and/or after driving 50 miles to go to two auctions.  I don't mind the driving, because that is just because where we live. But, but when you get there there is over 100 people that showed up.  Well after the bidding started a trash unit went for $240.  I had just enought time to make it to the other place and sign.  They wanted my name and phone number, well that's normal.  Then they a copy of my drivers  license, i didn't like that to much, but ok.  Next, they wanted $50 deposit just to bid.  Somewhere in my little mind, I said the heck with it and just went home.  If i have to give a $50 deposit just to bid, forget it.
Welcome to the game !!!

Re: The cost to bid
« Reply #4 on: March 02, 2013, 09:00:27 PM »
Maybe it was just a crappy day.  I carry very little cash and some of the places that we go to will not take cash, most will always take the card.  At this place I kinda felt that the units were going to be trash anyhow, in the middle of the getto.  Live and learn. 

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Re: The cost to bid
« Reply #5 on: March 03, 2013, 12:04:19 AM »
I am all for deposits if it keeps away those just there for the entertainment value! After all they slow down the whole process.

Re: The cost to bid
« Reply #6 on: March 03, 2013, 10:39:31 PM »
Maybe it was just a crappy day.  I carry very little cash and some of the places that we go to will not take cash, most will always take the card.  At this place I kinda felt that the units were going to be trash anyhow, in the middle of the getto.  Live and learn. 

Don't judge a book by its cover. Those storage facilities in the bad parts of town can have some really profitable units. People live in those areas because they don't know how to prioritize their money. They spend on themselves first, pay rent, keep the lights on, buy food later.. and what they buy for themselves is usually high end. The biggest thing to be wary of is, they sometimes keep in storage, what they don't want to keep in their homes.

Re: The cost to bid
« Reply #7 on: March 04, 2013, 06:43:53 AM »
License check is normal unless you have purchased from them serveral times before in the past.  Some places get it when register to bid, others only if you win a unit.

As for a $50 deposit - We only have 1 location that charges that, and only if you win a unit.  Most locations in my area is on a "honor" system.  Charging it up-front to everyone that "enters the gate" could help cut down on that 100+ crowd you mentioned.  I know 6+ months back we had a thread going about charging admission to the auction.  I think one place actually did this.  I've had to pay for a "bidder card" before at other auctions (non-storage).  It helps cut down on some of the crap so to speak.

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Re: The cost to bid
« Reply #8 on: March 04, 2013, 08:47:34 AM »
I am all for deposits if it keeps away those away just there for the entertainment value! After all they slow down the whole process.

You don't think that taking deposits doesn't  slow things down. Stand in line to get your money back when there 50 people and got to 4 or 5 places in one day and it will take all day.

Offline Cobia

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Re: The cost to bid
« Reply #9 on: March 04, 2013, 11:02:11 AM »
Don't judge a book by its cover. Those storage facilities in the bad parts of town can have some really profitable units. People live in those areas because they don't know how to prioritize their money. They spend on themselves first, pay rent, keep the lights on, buy food later.. and what they buy for themselves is usually high end. The biggest thing to be wary of is, they sometimes keep in storage, what they don't want to keep in their homes.


One thing I have noticed about "ghetto" units. The good stuff seems to be in female owned units or atleast units with the presence of an adult female. Units that look primarily male owned tend to be much lower quality. I've gotten burned a several times now on male owned units in poor parts of town.

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Re: The cost to bid
« Reply #10 on: March 04, 2013, 11:50:06 AM »
You don't think that taking deposits doesn't  slow things down. Stand in line to get your money back when there 50 people and got to 4 or 5 places in one day and it will take all day.

No it won't take all day, because there won't be 50 people laying down the deposit to bid. By charging a deposit, instead of 50 people having to view each storage unit as it gets opened, you might only have 20.

Re: The cost to bid
« Reply #11 on: March 08, 2013, 12:00:15 PM »

One thing I have noticed about "ghetto" units. The good stuff seems to be in female owned units or atleast units with the presence of an adult female. Units that look primarily male owned tend to be much lower quality. I've gotten burned a several times now on male owned units in poor parts of town.

I've seen some good units in bad parts of town. But, I do agree that the units that seem to have a female's touch have the more quality stuff. My point is, you can't go into an auction thinking it's going to be all junk.

There's a guy who bid on a unit if in the legals it was owned by a person of latin descent, because "Mexicans don't have nice stuff." Crazy..

Re: The cost to bid
« Reply #12 on: March 08, 2013, 01:55:21 PM »
I bought a Mexican unit a while back.  It turned out that the clothes were to short, toy cars were lowered and everything was,in Spanish, but he bad thing was that everything kept running away.   LOL..   

Re: The cost to bid
« Reply #13 on: March 13, 2013, 09:20:11 PM »
One chain of storage facilities charges a $5 entry fee to their auctions. I went once.. I decided not to go back because 2 or 3 units were denied sales by the management for not bringing enough money. I can understand denying a sale. But not charging an entry fee AND denying sales! One unit had 2 old school soda vending machines. They didn't even have the dollar feeder. It went for $100. Management denied the sale. If I were management I'd be jumping for joy!

Took a day off and it cost me $$$$$$$

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