Storage Auctions

This Guys Reality.......

This Guys Reality.......
« on: February 20, 2012, 12:47:37 PM »
Is he's got too much crap and hasn't gotten rid of it!  LMAO!  This is a current ad I just pulled of CL a couple of minutes ago:

3 storage units in my garage - $1000 (monroe)

Date: 2012-02-20, 9:18AM PST
Reply to: [email protected] [Errors when replying to ads?]

i bought 3 storage units,,my garage is full,,theres no junk at all and money to be made,,u will need a truck,for theresa few loads everything is in boxes,,too much stuff to list,,my garage is 28x48 and one side is full,,all the stuff is nice,,n worth the time n money,,1000.00 firm on my price,,ideal for second hand store,,or garage sale n swap meet,,i race n my rig is buried n race seasons startin up,,i need my rig n garage back,,,425-422-

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Re: This Guys Reality.......
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2012, 12:57:02 PM »
Is he's got too much crap and hasn't gotten rid of it!  LMAO!  This is a current ad I just pulled of CL a couple of minutes ago:

3 storage units in my garage - $1000 (monroe)

Date: 2012-02-20, 9:18AM PST
Reply to: [email protected] [Errors when replying to ads?]

i bought 3 storage units,,my garage is full,,theres no junk at all and money to be made,,u will need a truck,for theresa few loads everything is in boxes,,too much stuff to list,,my garage is 28x48 and one side is full,,all the stuff is nice,,n worth the time n money,,1000.00 firm on my price,,ideal for second hand store,,or garage sale n swap meet,,i race n my rig is buried n race seasons startin up,,i need my rig n garage back,,,425-422-

He actually might have bought 3 lockers too, but what I find interesting that he says one half of the garage is FULL of the stuff in boxes, but then he says his racing rig is buried beneath it. That DOES take a fair amount of space out of the equation.

He could have his own little auction .... might do OK that way.

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Re: This Guys Reality.......
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2012, 01:26:33 PM »
Yea, it's easy to have a "quick mouth, and a slow hand" in this business. Meaning it's a lot easier to win units then to turn and sell the contents for a profit. I have told myself I don't need to buy another unit until I sell through 75% of the inventory I have right now, which hopefully I can do in the next month to 2 months. It's starting to avalanche. Trying to create some discipline so I don't always have hundreds to thousands of dollars of inventory taking up space. Then again, there could always be a unit come up "I gotta have"!  ;D

Re: This Guys Reality.......
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2012, 02:47:37 PM »
I am sure he has already gone through the boxes.Sounds like he bought months ago or he wouldn't have buried his rig.

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Re: This Guys Reality.......
« Reply #4 on: February 20, 2012, 05:01:36 PM »
the teacher

LMAO Too !!!!!!!

Why don't you be a pain CL person and go check it out... Sure the $1000 he is asking for it is what he spent on the units, might include his gas and time, but doubt it.

Have seen ads that have stuff sorted and selling to a thrift or Flea Market vendor. They show pictures and they are asking $75 for one tote.  ::) Wanting retail with no idea how much effort it takes to sale the stuff.

I have told myself I don't need to buy another unit until I sell through 75% of the inventory I have right now, which hopefully I can do in the next month to 2 months. It's starting to avalanche. Trying to create some discipline so I don't always have hundreds to thousands of dollars of inventory taking up space. Then again, there could always be a unit come up "I gotta have"!  ;D

Good luck with that   ;D  Thought we were doing good with our box lot then got a bunch of free stuff praying for no avalanches.  ;)

Re: This Guys Reality.......
« Reply #5 on: February 20, 2012, 07:05:52 PM »
I've actually been doing better picking through stuff purchased by others then I have buying my own lockers lately.  I know a number of auction buyers that purchase quite a few lockers and end up with junk piled up in their garage/house/storage unit and need to unload some of it quickly (some for space, some for cash flow) and I go pick through what they have and make an offer. 

I bought a full trailer load from one guy last Thursday, delivered to my shop.  Same guy just called me while I was typing this and wants me to come look at another trailer load later tonight!  I don't have to waste my time standing around with 114 others waiting to get my glimpse of the junk.....oops, I mean TREASURE that is hiding in the soon to be auctioned storage locker either! 

As a rule, I don't find the "Gold and Guns", but I get to pick out what I want and buy it for a reasonable price that I know I can make a profit on.  Plus, no deadline, no dump runs, and no bad surprises!  And, even doing this, I have ended up with some highly profitable items, and a platinum ring that somebody missed!

Re: This Guys Reality.......
« Reply #6 on: February 20, 2012, 08:54:11 PM »
I've seen a few simular ads.  I suspect this was one of the newbie's that came in and bought units after units with no plan to sell the stuff.  Now he is trying to re-coup his money spent.

One of my buddies just bought a whole house/garage full of furniture for $1000.  The owner came in and asked him if he was interested. 

You may be surprised or may not be.

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Re: This Guys Reality.......
« Reply #7 on: February 21, 2012, 05:53:48 AM »
the teacher & craiglstauction,

Why I look at the ads, but if I do the #'s on what they are selling there is no profit. But to I am not retail (thrift store). Could see a little if we were selling retail but with the Flea and yard sales no profit. And usually it is stuff I already have plenty of.  ;)

But I keep looking.

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