Storage Auctions

Tracking Possible Multiple Lockers Owned by Same Person

Offline MovieMan

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Tracking Possible Multiple Lockers Owned by Same Person
« on: January 09, 2014, 08:33:46 AM »
I've had 3 experiences with this in 10 years.

First time I bought a locker for a grand and it paid out great, BUT it had a refrigerator with no shelves/drawers and a nice oak dining table with no chairs.

When I talked to the facility manager I learned that the deceased tenant had a 2nd locker registered and paid for in another persons name (a friend I guess). For some reason that locker was one month off from the one I bought and it didn't come up until the next month. I got it too, got the missing parts from locker #1 and lots more good smalls.
Making it happen is a major part of this business.


Second time I got a great locker for $1,700 and the guy had two other lockers that he had paid up just before the auction. Naturally, I tracked him through every month Public Storage had a sale. Each time he paid up and he STILL (a year later) has one locker that I'm waiting to see come up.  The sad and bad thing about this guy was that he and his wife were living in a "motel" now instead of the house he had "leveraged" and then lost to foreclosure.


Third time was a long-haul trucker who had two lockers across from each other. The manager had tipped me to this guy and since I had a locker at the facility I got to see the lock cut on these two (yeah, I isn't fair to the other buyers...too bad !) It took a full year of these lockers coming up mulitple times, but finally.... I got the first one for $800, sold for 4 times that.  The other locker wasn't as good and a newbie got it; I bought a few things from that buyer !

Re: Tracking Possible Multiple Lockers Owned by Same Person
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2014, 12:00:46 PM »
The very first unit I bought was a multiple unit. She had two and they both went the same day. If I knew now what I didn't know then I would have bought both. Live and learn.
There were a few things that I am sure were in the other unit (mostly the rest of the china dish sets) but mostly everything was whole. The second unit was bedroom stuff and not near as good as the first in my opinion.
The lady that bought it was not very nice when I asked her about it. She seemed irritated with me so I backed off. She left shortly after we talked and I didn't see her there again. I was hoping we could maybe put some of the sets back together and make some deals but oh well. That buyer still comes to auctions and she is still not very nice but not just to me to everyone.

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