Storage Auctions

Wish people could just be honest

Re: Wish people could just be honest
« Reply #15 on: August 09, 2011, 05:35:12 PM »
Oh ya - I understand that completely.  Already have a setup to clean a unit (generator, shop vac, broom, etc.).  Also, in all honesty I'll walk away from more units then I'll buy.  When I go to auctions (estate/equipment in past) I set a max price on each item I'm wanting to bid on.  If I get outbid I just go oh-well and try again another day.  My biggest learning curve is going to be how to size up a unit in the 5 mins or less that you get to view it.

At the end of the month is an auction I can attend at lunch.  Going to take a few hundered, but mostly my camera and notebook.  Going to try and snap a shot of the locker and record my initial estimate and what the unit goes for.  Later I can go back and re-eval what I saw, what I can now see in the picture upon a longer look, etc.  If I get a unit cheap (under $100) that is great but don't expect it even if it's filled with trash.

Figure it will not be till december or such that prices will settle down some.  I could be wrong, if the weather stays at 100+ the other looky loo's may stay home.

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Re: Wish people could just be honest
« Reply #16 on: August 09, 2011, 06:14:21 PM »
I suppose this is another topic that basically boils down to we all liked it better before the shows came on and the crowds came out. We kinda dislike newbies a lil bit because they are the reason the game has changed.

That said this is how things are gonna be for the forseeable future and things will probably never go back to like they used to.

Personally I don't really have anything against newbies though I do like the way things were before. As long as people are humble and nice Im happy to lend some advice and help at auctions, what bothers me is the people who show up to their first of second auction thinking they run the place or thinking they are great.

Kind of along those lines was the guy on a storage wars episode a while back who showed up to his first auction and had already decided he was quitting his job and doing this fulltime. He was a bigger dude with a beard.

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Re: Wish people could just be honest
« Reply #17 on: August 09, 2011, 09:36:36 PM »
  My biggest learning curve is going to be how to size up a unit in the 5 mins or less that you get to view it.
Takes time to value things in a matter of seconds

Figure it will not be till december or such that prices will settle down some.  I could be wrong, if the weather stays at 100+ the other looky loo's may stay home.

And everyone will be thinking the same thing, which means everyone will show, lol.

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