It is good to just watch a few auctions before actually buying a unit. Be prepared to not find anything in your first buy as well. Most units do not have a great treasure in them a few do most are full of normal household goods of little resale value. If your unlucky you will get a unit full of trash so figure in dump fees to any potential purchase. I always figure at least $20 at the dump for the samllest of units and big unit $100 minimum at the dump. I have spent $200 at the dump on one unit before and I have had units with no trash as well. Do not get to discouraged if you do not find a great item in your first unit. The more units you buy the better the odds you will find treasure. I bought about 40 units last year. 3 had really good treasure in them the rest varied from total trash to okay. Just to give you an idea of theodds. Be sure to have a way to get rid of the trash quick so it does not take all your valuable storage space at home. Goodwill gets a lot from me what is not good enough for them goes right to the dump.