Storage Auctions

New Guy From Michigan

New Guy From Michigan
« on: January 10, 2011, 04:15:04 PM »
Just went to my first Storage Unit Auction today.

Went to 4 locations in Metro Detroit and was amazed by the turn out of people. I showed up 30mins before scheduled start time at the 1st location and was shocked to see atleast 100 people ready to bid as well. Before the 1st unit went to auction there was 250+ people there.

I watched 10 units get auctioned off today and only saw 1 unit that had a possibility of making his $ back. A large unit full of restaurant supplies had an electric meat slicer stuffed under a bunch of shish-kabob skewers and a huge stack of aluminum foil trays.

These people were pretty anxious to spend some money on these units today.

My question is: Every unit auctioned today had the original owners lock cut off prior to our arrival and had only the Storage Facilitys lock on it. So do these units get picked through by someone else before hand??

Definitely will be visiting more auctions soon in hopes of picking up a unit with the WOW FACTOR!!!

Re: New Guy From Michigan
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2011, 02:22:01 PM »
They cut off the lock, and they put a new lock on it, together with a numberd tag that are sealed.

If somone goes thru the locker before the auction, then they brake both state law and federal law.
Most managements don't go thru the units. But you have bad people there to. I guess some can't just handle it the right way.

If you suspect it has been gone thru, i would urge you to make an official comment to the auctioneer about it. And report it to your state troopers office, (not your local police, they could not care less)

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Re: New Guy From Michigan
« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2011, 04:36:41 PM »
Hey welcome to the forums. That is a lot of people!! Most I have heard of so far

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