Storage Auctions

Mike Braiotta From Storage Wars New York

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Re: Mike From Storage Wars NY
« Reply #120 on: February 22, 2013, 08:57:42 AM »
They won't be around much longer because there is a new service coming out in about three weeks that will make them obsolete.

"I call that bold talk for a one-eyed fat man. "

Ned Pepper to Rooster Cogburn/True Grit, 1969

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Re: Mike From Storage Wars NY
« Reply #121 on: February 22, 2013, 10:15:12 AM »
Thing I dont like is you are charged 7% tax then 10% finders fee  of what the unit sells for. I can think of alot better stuff to spend the 17% on then adding that expense to a unit.

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Re: Mike From Storage Wars NY
« Reply #122 on: February 22, 2013, 10:41:46 AM »
Thing I dont like is you are charged 7% tax then 10% finders fee  of what the unit sells for. I can think of alot better stuff to spend the 17% on then adding that expense to a unit.

The new service is completely free to buy and sell. You still have to pay taxes but you would have to do that anyway.

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Re: Mike From Storage Wars NY
« Reply #123 on: February 22, 2013, 10:47:50 AM »
"I call that bold talk for a one-eyed fat man. "

Ned Pepper to Rooster Cogburn/True Grit, 1969

Obviously we have a generation gap. And yes it is bold talk. My logic is, why would a storage facility use a service that charges them 10% when they could get the same or better service, with the backing of some of the largest storage auction websites in the industry for free. It's a no brainer.  All it's lacking is a celebrity endorsement.  ;)

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Re: Mike From Storage Wars NY
« Reply #124 on: February 22, 2013, 01:48:44 PM »
True on taxes some place's charge tax and others dont. When online auctions first came out I did very,very,very well on the units I bought. Example I bought a unit for 700.00 that was a pizza restraunt, I got 3 ovens, three bin sinks stainless a hobart washer and I made bank on that unit. Now prices on online auctions are way over the top and no money to be made. I think if the online auctions were online for 1 hr then 5 mins to place bids rather than a week to bid I would be inclinded to use the online way.

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Re: Mike From Storage Wars NY
« Reply #125 on: February 22, 2013, 04:17:15 PM »
Yeah, the prices are quite high. Although, every now and then you do get lucky. I have bought 2 units online in the last month that were great. Both were about a 400% return on my investment. Although, there is no denying that the storage facilities are the true winners with online storage auctions. The units typically sell for 25-100% more than they would at a live auction.

Re: Mike From Storage Wars NY
« Reply #126 on: February 22, 2013, 07:24:34 PM »
I've never been to an auction where taxes were charged. However, many do have a "buyer's premium". Only when there is a professional auctioneer though.

Re: Mike From Storage Wars NY
« Reply #127 on: February 24, 2013, 08:24:18 PM »
I don't think I could ever buy a room up for auction online. Just doesn't seem like you would be able to make an accurate judgement. You need to be on the playing field to play the game. Get your hands dirty, battle the crowds.

Re: Mike From Storage Wars NY
« Reply #128 on: February 24, 2013, 10:32:28 PM »
I don't think I could ever buy a room up for auction online. Just doesn't seem like you would be able to make an accurate judgement. You need to be on the playing field to play the game. Get your hands dirty, battle the crowds.

I agree! I often use the reaction of others to gauge how much I'm willing to spend, or bid others up. There's always the chance of a loud mouth spilling the beans on something I missed!

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Re: Mike From Storage Wars NY
« Reply #129 on: February 25, 2013, 12:02:36 AM »
I don't think I could ever buy a room up for auction online. Just doesn't seem like you would be able to make an accurate judgement. You need to be on the playing field to play the game. Get your hands dirty, battle the crowds.

I agree, there's nothing like a live auction; however, online auctions have some advantages. 1. You save gas by only traveling to the facility when you win a unit. 2. You have more time to research items in the unit. 3. You can essentially be at multiple auctions at the same time. Once more storage facilities get involved, I think things are going to get better for everyone.

Re: Mike From Storage Wars NY
« Reply #130 on: February 25, 2013, 06:57:49 AM »
I agree, there's nothing like a live auction; however, online auctions have some advantages. 1. You save gas by only traveling to the facility when you win a unit. 2. You have more time to research items in the unit. 3. You can essentially be at multiple auctions at the same time. Once more storage facilities get involved, I think things are going to get better for everyone.

I beg to disagree , once (If) online auctions become more and more popular  a decent room at a decent price are going to become things of the past

A little tale of online police auctions ,
 when i first found the online police auctions I was bidding on lots of used bikes usually between 6-10 per lot , these for the most part were piles of crap but I would win them between $6-10 per bike and could make some money on them (by piles of crap i Mean needing parts , needing work , rusted to crap and even 1 with a bullethole through it)

fast forward 2 years the auctions took off  and the same piles of crap are now going between 30-50 per bike and the auction has gotten so lazy they dont even take pictures of the ones you are actually getting anymore

needless to say I dont buy any anymore

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Re: Mike From Storage Wars NY
« Reply #131 on: February 25, 2013, 07:36:05 AM »
1. You save gas by only traveling to the facility when you win a unit.
2. You have more time to research items in the unit.
3. You can essentially be at multiple auctions at the same time.

1. So does everyone else.
2. So does everyone else.
3. So does everyone else.

So you see, the playing field is still level for everyone, but the risks associated with an online auction are considerably higher.

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Re: Mike From Storage Wars NY
« Reply #132 on: February 25, 2013, 09:00:40 AM »
I agree! I often use the reaction of others to gauge how much I'm willing to spend, or bid others up. There's always the chance of a loud mouth spilling the beans on something I missed!

This is always a double edge sword for me. Sometimes i'm like "Shut up dumba$$!" and other times i'm like "Thanks for pointing that out dumba$$, didn't see it!"

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Re: Mike From Storage Wars NY
« Reply #133 on: February 25, 2013, 09:05:31 AM »
I just can't get into the online auctions
Can't see what's there.  They focus pics on big tag items and everyone bids so high....

And frankly, a huge part of the auction for me is the experience.   Being there, people.....

Like I enjoy going to the horse track.  Lot of times I don't even bet.  It's the experience.
I don't understand betting at an OTB site or online.  There's no energy to it.

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Re: Mike From Storage Wars NY
« Reply #134 on: February 25, 2013, 11:47:46 AM »
Although I enjoy the experience as well, I do this to make money. I'll buy anything that I can make a buck on, whether it be online or in person. I don't think we'll ever see the end of live storage auctions but I do think that online storage auctions are going to continue to grow in popularity.

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