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any suggestions on where I could sell vintage eighty's levi corduroys?

Offline johnnyghonda

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So after months of watching I finally got my first locker for 110 dollars. I was super pumped it was a 5 by 5... and I found a lot of nice dress clothes still on hangers... sold a lot at yard sale
... even sold the stinky dress shoes lol. I have some items I would like to ask you about but my favorite piece of clothing I won is a pair of 1986 levi corduroys. Worn once, washed once and then hanging on a hanger since 1986 I kid  you not. How can I tell? Well there's a slight line in the corduroy where it was on the hanger. But these pants are mint! Ill post a picture if you want me to. So where do I sell them?

Offline johnnyghonda

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Dam where is the love? 17 people viewed this topic and not 1 reply? come on man!!!  A lil help here please drew... :)

Offline MovieMan

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Dam where is the love? 17 people viewed this topic and not 1 reply? come on man!!!  A lil help here please drew... :)

Some of the threads have hundreds and hundreds of views but maybe only 1 to 5 responses, and those come from the
regular posters here.

I would suggest a google search for jeans that meet your pair. I seem to remember something about a red stripe in the stitching being a sign of valuable jeans. An eBay search might help too.

Offline Cobia

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Hey Johnny, first off, welcome to the boards.

I read your post and probably like many others did not reply because I have no idea what 80s Levi's corduroys are worth or the best place to sell them. I would probably research Ebay and see if there is a market for them, if not then it is off to the flea market. Some members have complained about people posting messages to threads that either don't answer the thread or don't add any value to the thread. In light of this, I thought it best not to respond to so many posts.

Good luck out there!

Offline Drew

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eBay is probably the easiest place to dump them.  Do a search on there and see if anyone has sold anything like them recently

Offline johnnyghonda

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Thx guys! I appreciate the feedback wholeheartedly. I now understand about posts :)bit
I have tried searching them all over the net and might try a vintage clothing store. No red line stitching in cords tho... :(
have a great day guys!

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