Storage Auctions

been out of the auctions for a while now

been out of the auctions for a while now
« on: March 16, 2012, 04:46:01 PM »
ok so i have been out of the buyer area for a while now. its been about 5 months maybe longer i forget. im in a new area used to be in michigan now i am in arizona phoenix area. just wondering if things have changed... have prices gone down? has anything changed in this business that would be a good thing to learn about now?

also as bad as this sounds i forgot how to get a clientele built up. i am in a completely new city new way of living and it seems everything i once knew i have forgot once i moved over 2k miles. so if yall can help out that would be great.

also a couple more things. i have no where to store anything since i live in a small studio would it be smart to rent a storage unit and also since i dont have a truck but a small car to haul things should i just get a uhaul when i buy a unit or what should i look into doing? thanks for any and all answers

Re: been out of the auctions for a while now
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2012, 05:54:18 PM »
Your best bet is to skip the auctions and cherry pick items at flea markets, yard sales, etc. that you can e-bay or CL.  Is where I know many people are making the money right now.  Even my auction buddy today said he is making more from buying stuff from people that come into his store / yard sales - then he is at the auctions.

You'll have to stick to the small units if only have the car still, and that will fit in your place.  If you start renting a storage unit and uhaul truck you are not making any money or going backwards.  Unless of course you are doing this as a hobby like I am and making money is the nice by-product of this hobby unlike others.

Re: been out of the auctions for a while now
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2012, 10:14:08 PM »
Welcome back terrorbow!

I had a buddy who was a golf pro at Camelback Country Club in Scottsdale back in the 90s.  He rented at a local facility, and he would sometimes buy the abandon units.  He found a TON of great golf equipment and sold several complete sets.  With Scottsdale being a fairly weathly area, you might find some good stuff.  Tempe is the home of ASU - so the units there may be college-type.  Then there are the snow bird parks.  Many rent units, and some forget about them.  Once again, retirees have moolah. ;)

An easy way to pick up merchandise you can turn-and-burn is to attend spring training baseball games.  It's a great place to pick up team issued (and free) memorabilia (hats, programs, balls, team photos, bobbleheads, etc.)  You'd be surprised how that stuff sells on eBay.  People from all over the country eat it up.  Tickets are cheap, they hand out tons of stuff during the season, and the games are a little more laid back.  This would also allow you to get autographs, which also sell on eBay.  (Lot of different baseball teams during Feb/Mar - plus Suns and Cardinal players also make personal appearances all over the area for free!!)  Quick and easy way to build up merchandise that doesn't take up much space.  I used to live in Milwaukee, and got tons of Packers stuff when the players made appearances.  To this day, people still buy everything I list.  It does take some time, but at least you don't have to rent a storage unit! 

Good luck!

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